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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Liberals sick of the alt-left are taking 'the red pill'

The mainstream media failed to see the rise of Donald Trump in 2016. Now it’s overlooking another grassroots movement that may soon be of equal significance— the growing number of liberals “taking the red pill.” People of all ages and ethnicities are posting YouTube videos describing “red pill moments”—personal awakenings that have caused them to reject leftist narratives imbibed since childhood from friends, teachers, and the news and entertainment media.

You might say that those who take the red pill have been “triggered.” But instead of seeking out “safe spaces,” they’re doing the opposite, posting monologues throwing off the shackles of political correctness.

Candace Owens, a charismatic young African American, posts commentaries on her YouTube channel whose titles seem expressly designed to make PC heads explode..

More here


  1. The TRUTH shall prevail. Glad to see America waking up. The left has been lied to for so long by an ideology that was, sooner or later, destined to fail. MAGA!

  2. You're welcome for the hint....

  3. Great article. Glad to hear it. I was starting to lose hope in people's ability to see the falsehoods of what they are being told by the Alt Left.


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