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Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury park run off

I guess the city doesn't feel the need to install silt fence. This is about 25' from the river in the park.

Steve Betz


  1. Makes sense.Not. let's see cover over washout and hope it doesn't happen again.
    Darwin would be calling for a purge.
    Consider the market on stupid covered

  2. Let a private homeowner do upgrades to the property without a silt fence near water enough fines to take the house

  3. These rules only apply to the peons not government

  4. Want to see some runoff at the park? Wait until the first big rain after they turn the ball field into a parking lot.

  5. Chain link might take care of it, right Jakey?

  6. Looks like he's turning the ball field in the park where my kids like to play into a parking lot, and has already torn down the stands and fencing. Now I'll have to take them to the Henry Parker fields if they can play ball there.

  7. I am sure if it is installed, one of you fine citizens will complain about the cost to the taxpayer.


  8. Found. New site for Jake's bring yer own seating amphitheater.

  9. You visit parks in other cities and towns and they are lovely, then you go visit the park in Salisbury and it is absolutely the ugliest park I have ever seen. Boy Mayor you want people to come here, visit and stay, well how about putting some effort in this disaster called a park. And how about noise control? All the loud noise that comes out of the cars that ride through there is ridiculous. When you were away seeing how folk festivals are run, did you bother to ride around and see how parks are supposed to look also?

  10. The same thing is happening all over the city because the city is allowing cars to park all over yards front and back and destroying yards. Some yards don't even have grass so every time it rains the silt just runs in the drains and then into the river and the bay. DUH!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am sure if it is installed, one of you fine citizens will complain about the cost to the taxpayer.

    September 14, 2017 at 3:56 PM

    I would bet you are correct. If complaining was a job, there would be many millionaires around smallsbury.


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