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Thursday, September 28, 2017

'Fatberg' found in Baltimore sewer system after overflow

A massive "fatberg" made up of congealed fat, wet wipes and other waste has been named as the culprit in a sewer overflow in Baltimore.

The overflow discharged about 1.2 million gallons of sewage into the Jones Fall stream last week.

The Baltimore Sun reported Monday that the fatberg was discovered in a sewer main near Baltimore Penn Station.

Public works officials said the walls of a century-old 24-inch wide pipe were caked with oils, grease and congealed fats. Up to 85 percent of the pipe was clogged, blocking the flow of sewage.

The fatberg has been mostly scraped off and sent to a landfill.



  1. So that is where O'Malley had been hiding.

  2. Those wet wipes, even though they say they're flushable, shouldn't be flushed. You may as well flush a T-shirt down the crapper.

  3. 4:24 Haha there are flushable ones but clearly most people don't care lol

  4. 4:24 SO CORRECT. the wet wipes cannot be flushed unless you want a huge back up.

  5. 85% clogged. Where was the maintenance from DPW? Who's head rolled?

  6. Our neighbors used the FLUSHABLE whips and their sewer system caved in while he was mowing the grass. I tried to tell the woman that they cannot be flushed in a rural sewer system but she knew they were safe because it was marked on the box. YUP


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