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Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Let's kneel for real issues


Some statistical facts:

In 2015, 995 people were shot and killed by police officers. Of that, 732 were white, 381 were black. In 2016, 963 people subdued by deadly force: 466 white, 258 black, 160 Hispanic. So far this year, 730 deaths-by-cop: 326 white, 165 black, 112 Hispanic.

Let those numbers sink in for a second.... and i'm not even trying to make a white/black comparison - it is what it is. yes, i know the ratios are higher for blacks. That's not my point. Read on...

Now, digest these stats: In those same years, 490, 762, and 320 murders( 2017 is on track for last years stats), respectively occurred in Chicago. That's right, way more than double the number of blacks killed by cops in each of those years - IN ONE CITY.

Where's the outcry from the MSM, the NFL, the NAACP. Nothing but silence. yes, we see it on the news, but no one is screaming out to change it. This is the real epidemic that no one want to talk about. (seems easier to blame white folk and Don Trump, right?)

So, instead of continuing to blame others, why not take a knee for the killings of black youth in our inner cities!?!? Many of the NFL players came from inner cities, but all you hear about is that Trump is racist for encouraging patriotism and white people are not allowing blacks a chance to get ahead.

Stop tearing down statues. Stop blaming others for your woes. Stop bitching about the President. Just stop. Stop and take a good look at yourselves. Why are other minority races progressing while the African-American race seems to continually regress?

For one, you continue to blame others for your problems. Everyone knows that the first step of 12 is admitting you have a problem- the other 11 steps don't start until you do that. Admit to the problems and try to fix them from the inside out, instead of blaming others.

So, when the protesting NFL athletes start to help to change their inner city youth, and make a show of force on the field by leading by example, then...just maybe, i'll come back to the NFL. Until then, there are lots of other things to do on Sundays that don't insult my patriotism and my love of my flag and country.



  1. Way back in the 80's Michael Jackson had a hit with "The man in the mirror". One of my favorite songs but we still haven't learned from it.

  2. We certainly aren't free (pay most of our income in taxes in one form or another) and most of us aren't brave.

  3. Hey Joe, there was an white girl attacked by a black student in the parking lot of Parkside High today. Chaos already happening in our schools.

  4. I don't understand why we don't simply ignore these acts of revolt. Just stop the cameras or change the channel. They need to be denied the publicity.

  5. Truth doesn't garner ratings. Stirring the racial pot does!

  6. They sadly choose to ignore facts and the real issues, they prefer the made up democratic plantation version.

  7. Well said. The writer of this article really speaks the truth in a way anyone can understand.


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