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Monday, September 04, 2017

Condoleezza Rice Backs Trump's 'Bleak Picture' Strategy on NKorea

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Saturday that she backed the Trump White House in "painting a very bleak picture for the Chinese" about North Korea as tensions increase over its nuclear ambitions.

"I don't think any American president can tolerate that leader with the capacity to reach the United States," said Rice, referring to dictator Kim Jong Un, The Hill reports.

Rice, 62, who served in the George W. Bush administration, made her comments at the Library of Congress' Book Festival in Washington.

"What the administration is trying to do — and I support what they're trying to do — is they're painting a very bleak picture for the Chinese," she said. "That's the only country with any real leverage on the North Koreans."

Rice explained that Beijing remains reluctant to intervene out of fears North Korea could collapse and create a refugee crisis on their border, the Hill reports.

"We're getting pretty close to a president having to make a decision."

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  1. It's not a decision that most of wants to have to be made, considering the likely consequences.

  2. I think that Condi is the first "Most Powerful Black Woman in Politics", not Michelle Obama. She actually made something of herself and not married into it! She is well-educated, smart and a patriot. I would like to see her back in DC or on a ticket for VP or P someday.

    Just my thoughts. Bring on the hate!


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