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Monday, September 04, 2017

Colleges facing backlash over left-wing demonstrations

Both the University of Missouri and Evergreen State College have been rocked by left-wing demonstrations, some of which administrators in both schools allowed. Now both have had to deal with falling enrollment and a decline in funds - and there are fears the situation could spread to other schools.

The defining issue is whether parents and donors see administrators as capable of containing clashes and responding firmly when protests get out of control, experts say.

Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, a nonprofit that advocates for a variety of higher education issues, told Fox News that how a college handles freedom of expression matters greatly to prospective students, their parents and donors.

“When they look to what college to pick, parents and students are thinking of the largest investment their family is likely to make beyond the purchase of a home,” Pfeffer Merrill said. “Across the political spectrum, one of the most essential assets is [the opportunity] to be exposed to a wide range of views.”

If left-wing groups continue making demands and administrators acquiesce to them, other schools may suffer the same fate as Missouri and Evergreen, according to one expert.

“I don’t think we have seen the full extent of the fallout at the University of Missouri,” Sterling Beard, editor of The Leadership Institute's Campus Reform, told Fox News. “Violence is coming from Antifa groups on campus. Now they control administrators and shut out competing ideas they disagree with or don’t like.”



  1. Colleges should lose their federal funding from grants and other taxpayer paid incentives until they stop promoting uprisings and dissident behaviors.

  2. This might disprove PT Barnum's adage that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

  3. I used to give $1,000 to $2000 every year to SU.
    No longer. I can't support an institution that derides my view on morality.

  4. All universities should allow free speech from all sides. The good,bad and ugly. That is why you go to college. Expand your horizons or in some cases bury you head in the sands of ignorance. What a bunch of tools.


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