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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Breaking News: Martin Shkreli, the ex-drug executive convicted of fraud, was jailed after he offered a bounty for a strand of Hillary Clinton's hair

Martin Shkreli, the former pharmaceutical executive who is awaiting sentencing for a fraud conviction, was sent to jail on Wednesday after a federal judge found that he presented a threat to the community because he had offered money for a strand of Hillary Clinton’s hair.
Mr. Shkreli, who was free on $5 million bail while he awaited sentencing, offered $5,000 on Facebook to anyone who could “grab a hair” from Mrs. Clinton during her book tour.
“There has been a danger presented through this post,” Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto said at the hearing in Federal District Court in Brooklyn.
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  1. one would have to be pretty desperate to get that close to that skank to grab one of her greasy hairs for only 5k

  2. Wow but people can talk threats death about trump come on really no shouldnt happend if he can get charged for that than the rest of people threating trump and family should be jailed period

  3. Why her? What is the connection?

  4. Probably wants to know if it's real or a wig!

  5. And he's been boasting, ever since his trial and conviction, that he would not be going to jail. HaHaHaHa...

  6. How many Hillary's were on the campaign trail?


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