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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Antifa Ramps It Up… Now Openly Carrying Weapons and Communist Flags

Earlier today, I posted that Portland police made seven arrests after the ironically named “antifa” protestors brought gas grenades and other projectiles to a Patriot Prayer demonstration. These types of actions, a direct threat to free speech in America, have been happening all over the nation. On Saturday, for example, Kansas City Police had to actual disarm antifa groups who were marching in Washington Square Park.

These terrorists (and yes, I’m using that word deliberately) were dressed in black with red scarves around their faces. They were carrying semi-automatic rifles, ammunition , and red flags with a communist symbol.

According to The Daily Caller, their group, the “The Kansas City Revolutionary Collective,” identifies as “Marxist-Leninist-Maoist” and says it’s organizing against “far-right militias” who support and are supported by President Donald Trump.


  1. If the State allows loaded carry of a rifle, then they have that right. Maryland allows this. What they don't have the right to do is carry that while masked! That is illegal and makes them terrorists! One or the other, and I get to carry mine on the other side of the street, behind a tree and hidden without a mask.

    Bring it, meathead!

  2. These guys are stupid as hell! You hate Donald Trump so your going to put on masks and walk around with rifles. They are going to start something that gets martial law declared and then Trump will have complete power. If this is their idea of a plan ANTIFA will be very short lived.

  3. Trump atart arresting these things already.

  4. These people are absolutely NOT supported by a man whose entire campaign is based on his love of Americans and all us herd working families that work and strive here. These are outright terrorists and they need to be shot down in every effort they make!

  5. What a bunch of small minded piss-ants.

  6. I don't see tubsy there loading that AR all too quickly.

  7. Well you can thank the Democrats for forming this terrorist group with the $$$ of George Soro's. If someone don't stop this foolishness there will be a Civil War compliments of the Democrats. Blood is on their hands.

  8. cover your faces???
    ...something to hide.

  9. Witless tools of Soros. Who do they think is going to hire them once this drama comes to a close?

  10. Our government needs to cut the head off the snake Soros. He is behind 90% of the evil groups in the world not just America. We say this will lead to a civil war and thats what they want. They brainwash us all. They control everything you see and do. We are all peices of s chest game, don't be played. God loves us all.

  11. These losers are far more powerful than people think, good civil people just ignore them which in turn tells them its okay and makes the problem worse. Anyone that stabs a police horse in the neck because they think the horse is racist is mentally unstable. Anyone that associates with a group that does this is mentally unstable. This isn't necessarily a direct threat to you today, but it is to your children and their children. Joseph Goebbles lives within these people.

  12. Anyone forcing their ideas and will upon others at the point of a gun has no credibility.
    They are merely targets.
    None of them in that picture looks like they have ever fired a weapon and probably don't know how to load it, jack a round, or hit anything that isn't 6 inches or less from the end of the barrel.
    If THAT is their "militia", I'm not even going to call for help.
    But I hope they do.

    Fat little cross dressing sissies.

  13. And at what point do these guys actually think they will win a firefight? They fought against our gun rights for years (WHICH BTW SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON). When things stopped going their way they IMMEDIATELY flip flopped and started buying up shitty SKS rifles. The ones who cant get a real one buy airshit and make them look real. That will not end pleasantly for them. Do they realize people have been preparing for an attempted communist takeover for many many years? Their idiotic behavior will not benefit them, their fake virtue signaling does not make people think they are brave freedom fighters, in actuality they are fighting freedom.

  14. ISIS and the KKK cover their faces too.


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