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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Headquarters Live Building

Have you seen the awful structure constructed behind the Headquarters Live building that is being redone to be occupied by The Daily Times? Was the construction submitted to and/or approved by the Historic District Commission? It is a disgrace to downtown.


  1. I agree. It's horrible.
    How is this even allowed?!?

  2. Why would the historic commission be involved

  3. 11;07 you must not have ever tried to build anything downtown,they control downtown.

  4. Rumors are they are planning a MASSIVE Halloween "social event" there and that it will be two parts basically adult and children's. Maybe joe can find out if it's true if it is I bet anything it will be a mess!

  5. How's about a picture of the awful structure constructed behind the Headquarters Live Building. Can't see'd it can be so awful with such tiny space to build on.

  6. This is Salisbury, sports fans.

    Whatever Gillis wants, he gets!

  7. Salisbury has a historical commission? Must be something new because haven't seen them preserve anything historical around Salisbury. Ever.

  8. Well what the real rip off to tax payers is that this building was sold based on a RFP that was to be for the arts ect. to benefit downtown. Well as usual Bradly and Chris turned it into a commercial rental property for themselves and the city lets them get away with it. They win and the city loses. Sick of these two spoiled boys.


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