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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A Viewer Writes: The gas game by Bob Aswell

I was told earlier that my opinion of the manipulation of gas pricing on the Shore was all wet like Houston. Funny that you haven't seen Exxon\Mobil Corp. publicly donate ANY money to their constituency\customers in the name of humanity. I think if you dig into it you'll find they 'Qualify' for Federal Disaster funding to abate ANY losses to their plants and interests. Not only do you and I pay profit on their product, we pay to maintain their infrastructure. Wow, what a deal.

Nextly, our gas prices are in the range of $2.75 per gal. because gas was purportedly 'short'. Funny, gasoline was diverted to Florida on order of the Government. NO talk of shortage for them, Colonial Pipeline back on line, Florida Attorney General seeking charges against price gouging and our fuel is 'STILL' $2.75. I filled up in Virginia on Saturday for $2.32 (Norfolk), no shortage there on branded fuel. Since MOST of the fuel coming to the south Florida area comes from Georgia and S. Carolina why couldn't some of it be put on the pipeline that was not damaged and pushed North??? Simple, that wouldn't stand the test backing their little 'fake news shortage'. Where's CNN and CBS when you need them?? Why was ONLY one leg of the pipeline shown on TV? Colonial pipeline has many legs in ALL directions yet they didn't say when it was shut down only the Texas feeders and pump stations were affected??

My detractor says I'm wrong but these 'facts' are constant,and with my perception that the Eastern Shore is writhe with crooks in the fuel business it seems to be on target with them and their wiles. Why hasn't OUR Attny. Gen. asked the WHY question???

Its because Maryland has ALLWAYS been the LOOK AWAY MODEL for the U.S. when it comes to corruption and thievery. There's NO help here for folks trying to lead a normal lo-key life and a vote for the status quo insures it will live on in impunity. Thank You Democrats.

Bob Aswell... Not fooled


  1. Whoever wrote this needs to start walking.

  2. This viewer needs to be a regular contributor! Their commentary is always interesting and right on spot.

  3. In addition, I noted all the increases within several days, some within the same day. IMO, as a prior c-store manager, there's no way they went through enough gas in that amount of time to need several tankers full at the higher (& higher) prices. Marking up the fuel that was already in their tanks is just plain gouging. People don't even have sense enough to be ashamed of themselves. SMH!

  4. You are correct. It is gouging. The prices went up before the storms even hit. We are getting the good ole MD boy shaft.
    Of course the extra gas tax in MD doesn't help, I am well aware of that.

  5. The price gouging in MD became worst during the O'Malley administration and it gets worst every year. Where are the MD Lawmakers? Where do they stand on this? I have always tried to vote them out but the shore voters do not stick together and that is a shame considering the Farm Families here. Maryland legislature from the Governor down allows this price gouging and makes no attempt to stop it.

  6. capitalism. don't drive

  7. Am I wrong here, but doe's not the free market decide? I will charge whatever I want for what is mine, and I will refuse to bake cakes for whomever I choose. America...remember?

  8. Keep in mind, the government makes more on fuel through taxes than the producers.

  9. How about a few facts:

    1/3 of domestic refining was disrupted during hurricane Harvey. Fact.

    We are supplied by those refineries via the colonial pipeline. Fact.

    Irma just hit Florida and disrupted supply further because of the mass evacuations. Fact.

    The US is long on crude oil and prices will drop as supply is restored. Fact.

  10. The US is long on crude oil and prices will drop as supply is restored. Fact.

    Absolutely True, each and every time. Nothing will change until someone truly complains!

  11. ding dong dilly dally,

    let's have a poor, poor me rally

  12. Things could be much worse!!

    Overseas (Eng, Germ, Etc) pay $6 to $7 dollars a gallon. Remember, they use liters rather than gallons. 1 fluid gallon = 3.79 liters

  13. When one person owns all of the gas stations on the shore why are you surprised?

  14. I am amazed that some wants to comment but don't have a clue as to wrote the post.
    CLUE 1 It is included in the Headline
    CLUE 2 He signed his name at the end

  15. FINE these Damn gas stations here on Delmarva who are
    GOUGING the hell out of us all here......
    Cap off prices by Law @ 99 cents a gallon ....they would still make Billions in Profit !!!!!!! FACT


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