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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Tear Down the University of Virginia!

When Thomas Jefferson died on July 4th, 1826, the 50th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence, he had left explicit instructions on what was to be engraved on his headstone: “Here was buried Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia.” In his letter of instruction, Jefferson noted that “these, as testimonials that I have lived, I wish most to be remembered.” (Notably, there is no mention of his two presidential terms.)

Last October, a battle began brewing in Charlottesville — an effort to purge Thomas Jefferson from the University of Virginia he founded, because he had slaves on his Monticello plantation. Jefferson even fathered a child with one of those slaves, the half-sister of his deceased wife, Sally Hemings.

In January, after Hillary Clinton’s demise and Donald Trump’s inauguration, Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer hosted a rally declaring his town a “capital of resistance.” Signer, who was chosen to be mayor by Charlottesville’s leftist city council, a group of Berkeley wannabes, is himself a graduate of UC Berkeley and a rising darling of the Left.

Signer is a political hack for Virginia’s alien governor and noted Clintonista, Terry McAuliffe. He worked with John Podesta to electBarack Obama in 2008, and the following year joined McAuliffe’s finance team.

More here


  1. This is how dangerously active the idiot left has become. They are determined to rewrite history and continue to usurp the inalienable rights of man. All because they are convinced they know better (i.e. they are smarter, more enlightened, etc.) and as superior beings should be granted dominion over those of lessor standing. They are not satisfied with "live and let live". You must live by their rules and here's the part that we (the conservative right) haven't quite figured out.They are prepared to make it happen by force.

  2. Let them try and take this nationwide...they will be sorry when the true Americans put their foot down and put a stop to all this BS. The PC left is getting closer and closer to the fire....and when all hell breaks lose it won't be pretty.

  3. 1:00 I have to disagree. Smarter, more enlightened? I'd say both sides have idiots. However, there is only one side still toting around the flags of a facist regime. A president defending those who tried to overthrow the very government he represents. The irony is indescribable. I'm all for live and let live but guess what, when big government starts discriminating against YOU, maybe then your opinion on the matter would change.

  4. Tear Down all the Planned Parenthoods. The founder Margaret Sanger HATED blacks and wanted them all dead. She wanted them eradicated off the face of the earth. To her they were worthless, dirty, stinky and would never amount to anything. They had nothing to offer and were of no value and didn't deserve to be alive. She hated them with such a passion and couldn't go out and kill blacks without repercussions to herself so she did what she thought was the next best thing-tried to eradicate them with abortion.
    Hillary Clinton even won the Margaret Sanger Award.

  5. I want cheaper insurance and better taxes.

  6. Are they going to tear down MLK statue for his anti Gay marriage stance ?

  7. What baffles me is that the Black community the SJW's and the Democrat party as a whole don't seem to care that black people are killing each other at record levels. Our cities have become war zones. Their communities are racked with poverty,single mother families and crime. We have generations of families that have existed on welfare and no matter how much money or how many different programs are thrown into the mix, the problems never get any better. They seem to get worse. All I hear is how the police are the problem and schools are the problem and white people are all racist. Now it seems that they are afraid that some statues are the new boogyman that is keeping them down. What's going to happen is Robert E. Lee going to ride his horse off of a pedestal somewhere and start whipping some black folks? These people need to look within themselves and clean up their act clean up their families their communities and join the rest of America. Americans like me that just want to go to work have a nice home be with my family and live a peaceful life.

  8. Worthy of a post ?

    What's next MOUNT RUSHMORE ?

  9. These people are America's ISIS erasing the history they ignorantly disapprove.

  10. “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
    ― George Orwell

  11. TEAR DOWN THE WHITE HOUSE , after all it is WHITE !!!
    and we can't have that
    You must have a BLACK HOUSE tooo.............


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