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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A Viewer Writes: FYI-Left trying to make gains after Charlottesville

Dear Mr. Albero,

A friend of mine was sent the following e-mail from a group called Genprogress.org. It even has a script you can use to complain about civil war statues. What is next, burning books you don't like? How about placing people we see as a threat in special camps? Didn't someone already try this in the 1940"s? Like the way Trump is the problem. Last I checked he was in New Jersey on Saturday. Please use the e-mail below if you like. I am a big fan of your Blog.

Hey ********
As a proud, black, UVA alum, it broke my heart to see racism, violence, and terror erupt in Charlottesville. The events last weekend were a devastating reminder that racism, hated, and bigotry still exist in our neighborhoods. White supremacy and violent extremism have a home in too many of our communities — and in the White House — and we all must take steps to call out and stand against those who wish to divide us.
Here are a few ways you can take action right now to show solidarity with Charlottesville and speak out against hatred, violence, racism, and bigotry in your own community:
  • Attend an event in your community. If you don't see one happening near you, you can sign up to host one yourself.
  • Demand the removal of all confederate symbols across the country. Click here to see if there is a confederate symbol in your town and download this sample script to reach out to your mayor and ask for its removal. You can use this tool to find your mayor.
  • Register to vote and make sure all of your friends, neighbors, and communities are registered.
We must take swift and decisive action to show those who want to divide us that will always stand for justice, equality, and civil rights for all. 
Thank you for taking action,
Connor Maxwell UVA Alum Research Associate, Progress 2050
Generation Progress 1333 H St. NW Floor 10 Washington, DC 20005 United States


  1. Progress 2050 - heck we need progress by 2019!

  2. The left uses racism as a tool, They need it and cannot survive without it.

  3. I liked the part where they said "...to show those who want to divide us..."

    Looks to me as if THEY are the ones trying to divide us.
    Keep cheering....

  4. we have so much more pressing "wrongs" in this country. Try putting what counts most at the forefront. This business is so insignificant.

  5. Of course Hillary's mafia is trying to make Gains !!!


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