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Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Senate Republicans Defy Trump, Will Work With Democrats On Stabilizing Obamacare

In a troubling sign for the president, who over the past several days has threatened to end "bailouts" for insurers and, according to Rand Paul, is contemplating executive action to pursue his quest of repealing Obamacare, some Senate Republicans are now openly defying Trump's directives.

As The Hill reports, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), head of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, announced Tuesday that he will hold hearings and would work with his Democratic colleagues to “stabilize and strengthen” the individual insurance market under the Affordable Care Act, which the president has urged the Senate to keep trying to repeal. Alexander also urged the White House to keep up payments to insurers that help low-income consumers afford plans, which Trump has threatened to cut off.

The hearings will give Democrats, particularly Sen. Patty Murray (Wash.), the committee’s ranking member, a seat at the negotiating table on healthcare for the first time, opening up a process that until now had been tightly controlled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who however suffered a major loss last week when he failed to pass repeal following the holdout vote of John McCain.



  1. Pack the whole bunch of these traitors i.e. congress on a ship send it out to sea and sink it.

  2. Oh how terrible! Actually working together for the benefit of the citizens.

    1. Thats what President Trump was trying to do. Hence why you get screwed and the politicians have much better health insurance.

  3. They are all a bunch of liars and thieves. They should have to repay in full their salaries and cost of benefits for filing a false job application. They did file a false verbal application when they were campaigning. So where is the penalty?


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