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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Save Our Flag!!

Maryland's flag is under attack.
The current flag of Maryland is the heraldic banner of our state's founder, the first Lord Baltimore. It combines the arms of the Calvert family and the Crossland family.
The black and gold design on the flag is the coat of arms from the Calvert line. It was granted to George Calvert as a reward for his storming a fortification during a battle (the vertical bars approximate the bars of the palisade).The red and white design is the coat of arms of the Crossland line, the family of Lord Baltimore's mother, and features a cross bottony with the red and white sides of the cross alternating. Since George Calvert's mother was a heiress, he was entitled to use both coats of arms in his banner.....It is also the only US state flag to be directly based on English heraldry, although the flag of Washington, D.C. is a modification of the coat of arms of George Washington's family.
During the Civil War, troops from Maryland flew both coats of arms; those supporting the Union flew the Calvert arms, while those supporting the Confederacy flew the Crossland arms. Our current flag was first flown in 1880 as a symbol of unity and reconciliation between the two factions. 
Our flag is very popular among residents and is a major source of pride for all Marylanders. But now, radicals are trying to force Maryland to change our flag.
We, the undersigned, urge our leaders to reject radicals who want to force us to change our state flag, and we urge our leaders to stand up for a flag that unites all Marylanders under a common banner.
This petition will be delivered to:
  • Governor
    Larry Hogan
  • State Representative
    Michael Busch
  • State Senator
    Thomas Miller


  1. Why would we want a flag representing the english who were treating us horribly? We should not only change the flag but everything about maryland. It is not marys land, it is our land. We should change every name having to do with the british rulers we fought a revolution to free ourselves from. Why did we fight the war to name things after our oppressors?

  2. F Larry Hogan. There are many of us that are committed to making sure he doesn't get re-elected even if it means voting for a Democrat. That fake, 2 faced POS. It cost nearly $5,000 to remove that statue of Judge Taney. A true Conservative would not have done that!

    1. You're an idiot. Go ahead and usher in another OMalley disciple you freakin moron.


  3. Yep! It's gotta go! Sinful reminder of patriarchy, royalty, nobility and every other SJW buzzword. Plus the governor recently had his backbone removed and will exhibit total temerity. We need something up-to-date and classy, Hon. Like the beach towel they now use in the 'bury!

    And since we're on the topic of symbols, how about naming a State Rodent? I nominate the Woodchuck.

  4. I'm offended that people are offended

  5. I hope they succeed changing the flag. They should just make every state flag and the federal flag the same. All white. Or maybe pink!!

  6. I guess Gov. Hogan will support the change of our flag now...good grief, he better not!!!

  7. It's a racist flag....needs to go.

  8. I have a suggestion. Since Jake the Snake designed such an ugly flag for Salisbury......this one should be right up his ally.

    1. It should be up his....alright

  9. 108
    Treating us horribly?

    Were you there in that time period?
    I know I wasn't there.
    Therefore, "us" or "we" weren't there.

    Stop identifying with people of another era about whom you (and I) know nothing.
    You are falling for the mind control of the elites who ran the public education system into the ground.

  10. 313
    I love it - you make a great point!

  11. As Civil War historians and re-enactors we have always laughed about this confederate flag when the anti-flag bunch started. We thought they had overlooked it after the got Georgia to change its flag.

  12. Anonymous said...
    You're an idiot. Go ahead and usher in another OMalley disciple you freakin moron.

    August 19, 2017 at 3:13 PM

    AWWW you must be a Butt Hurt RINO!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    As Civil War historians and re-enactors we have always laughed about this confederate flag when the anti-flag bunch started. We thought they had overlooked it after the got Georgia to change its flag.

    August 19, 2017 at 7:24 PM



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