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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Auntie Maxine accuses Ben Carson of being ‘white-wing nationalist’

Maxine Waters’s latest rant against Donald Trump and his administration was so unhinged, it amounted to word spittle that could be heard on any street corner in L.A.

Appearing before the Los Angeles Community Review Board, Waters launched into Trump, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and HUD Secretary Ben Carson.

Complaining there is “uncertainty” because of the Trump administration, Waters said, “Mr. Mnuchin, who is the Treasury Secretary, who is responsible for over 36,000 foreclosures in this area, is now the Secretary of the Treasury,” repeating herself.

“Standing next to him just yesterday, or day before yesterday, I’m getting these days mixed up,” the 79-year-old California congresswoman said.

She continued, “While the president was defending the white-wing (sic) nationalists and the KKK and all of those alt-right groups that were basically out there in Virginia literally beating and marching and ranting about Jews and black people, etc., etc.,” she said.

“But, this is what this Cabinet looks like,” she added, turning to Trump’s personnel, “where we talking about Mnuchin or Ben Carson,” as the audience whooped on the attack.

More here with video..


  1. Maxine and Pelosi could be roommates at the Home for Crazy Congress Critters. Booth are completely loopy!

  2. The media is trying to pull off the biggest hoax on the American people ever perpetrated...This whole racial issue is a hoax plotted by the left. Notice no black people are there.

    1. Yup but nobody talking about DNC IT guy being arresting for bank fraud. It's all smoke and mirrors.


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