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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Rick Santorum Crafting Different Obamacare Repeal Plan with Lawmakers

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Monday that he is working with a broad coalition of Republicans in both the House and Senate, along with several governors, to develop a new effort to repeal Obamacare.

The effort, which comes after serious tumult with prior legislation in both the House and the Senate, would devolve power over healthcare away from the federal government and back to the states. It would allow each of the 50 states to individually craft their own plans, and would mirror the effort led by Santorum in the mid-1990s which saw the only successful entitlement reform in the nation’s history.

During the administration of former President Bill Clinton, Santorum—then in Senate GOP leadership—devised a strategy to win bipartisan buy-in that Clinton signed ending guaranteed cash benefits in place since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s presidency and devolved much welfare power back to the states. Since then, the Santorum-led reform—which was essentially block granted out—has held strong and not seen any significant problems.

This effort on healthcare, Santorum says, would mirror that effort: Allowing the states to handle these affairs to better custom-craft healthcare systems to the needs of their constituents.

More here


  1. THROW IT ALL OUT PLAN = Best Plan !!!!

  2. And what do you think we would get in Maryland

  3. NO Plan (like it used to be) is FAR Better than a BAD Plan !!!!! FACT


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