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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Edward Klein: Jeff Sessions' Battle With the Deep State

If you want to know about the havoc being wreaked by the Deep State—anti-Trump troublemakers in the permanent federal bureaucracy—the man to ask is Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The soft-spoken Sessions doesn't normally give vent to his emotions, but he recently read his top staff the riot act about the actions of disloyal employees who are sabotaging Justice Department work.

According to a Justice Department source, Sessions slammed his hand on his desk during a meeting and declared: "I want these people behind bars!"

Most of the subversive employees are holdovers from the regimes of former Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, which I covered in my book, "Guilty as Sin."

They've been stealing files and shredding documents in an effort to impede Justice Department investigations of sanctuary cities and violent leftwing groups.

"In the past, there were incidents when anti-Vietnam war employees tried to destroy evidence against draft dodgers," the Justice Department source said. "But those were isolated incidents, and the perpetrators were quickly prosecuted and dismissed.

"But what's happening now at the Justice Department is a plague," the source continued. "Employees with access to secure government files have been deleting computer files and destroying evidence."

More here


  1. Fire them and prosecute ! The Feds try to destroy peoples lives over oysters and fish but let this and the IRS crap go!


  2. The Congress should pass and the President should sign a short Bill that dictates that those fired for cause related to actions of this sort forfeit all pension and healthcare coverage. Security clearances permanently cancelled. Ineligible to work for any Federal contractor or subcontractor. In addition to putting full force of DOJ against them in court. No plea bargains. Hard time.


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