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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Ravens Fans to Ravens Ownership: We Don’t Want Kaepernick Here

Baltimore is the birthplace of our national anthem, and the football fans there apparently want no part of any NFL player who disrespects it.

According to Mike Silver of NFL Media, the Ravens “have heard from numerous fans regarding Kaepernick in the last couple of days, many staunchly opposed to his signing”:

This is not an isolated incident. A few months ago, Giants co-owner John Mara told of a similar backlash against the idea of signing Kaepernick from Giants fans:



  1. He's a fool, why don't we hear about how he was adopted by white people because his mom was a crackhead. He went to the best schools and had the best in life.So he went to celebrate that Africans sold Africans to whites? I'm confused

  2. Francis Scott Kaepernick!


  3. He should be calling CFL teams. His skills fit their game rules and he won't need to see our flag or hear our anthem.

  4. Would love to see Ravens hire him--and then watch the Ravens implode--empty stadium, , Baltimore is a horrible city right now--guns, murder, crime--let them have it!

  5. Been a die hard Ravens fan since day one. if they sign him I will find another team to root for and you will find my Raven memorabilia in the dumpster.

  6. I cannot stand the Ravens and hope they do not hire this dirt bag.

  7. I'm a Ravens season ticket holder and I went to one more Redskins game than I did for the Ravens last year. I don't think I'll even be able to sell these if they put this trash on the roster.

  8. I can't believe - in the city where Francis Scott Key penned the words to our national anthem- they were even considering bringing him onboard. I would rather root for a losing team than a for traitor to NFL fans.

  9. If they hire him, good bye Ravens . That will be one empty stadium, so go ahead, hire the bum and lose your fans and profits. I wouldn't walk across my driveway to watch the Ravens play for free if the hire that POS.

  10. I'll become a Pittsburgh Steelers fan before I would ever support the Ravens if they take on a low life bum like Kaperdouche. I've always been a Ravens fan but I'm a true fan of the United States of America first.

  11. You asked for it, you got it! TOYOTA!


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