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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes from 2016 Election

A new bombshell study released by the Government Accountability Institute shows why President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has such an important job ahead of it.

The Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes from people who registered and voted in more than one state.

The Government Accountability Institute, founded by Peter Schweizer, author of “Clinton Cash,” seeks to “investigate and expose crony capitalism, misuse of taxpayer monies, and other governmental corruption or malfeasance.”

The Government Accountability Institute was able to obtain voter registration and voter history data from only 21 states because while some states shared it freely, “others impose exorbitant costs or refuse to comply with voter information requests.”

These 21 states represent “about 17 percent of all possible state-to-state comparison combinations.”

More here


  1. So 0bama probably did not really win in 2012 and Trump won by an even bigger margin in 2016.

  2. Say it ain't sooo.
    We know the 2012 election put the loser in office fraudulently. There is no way it could have been done honest. The way President Donald J. Trump thrashed the fat lady is proof that the Americans will not let that happen again.
    Trump/Pence 2020!


  3. Does anyone remember how there were whole voting districts in PA and elsewhere that Romney got ZERO votes?

    Is that statistically possible? I'd say no.

  4. 10:00, that's because Obama got 110% of the votes there! Remember? 1000 voters, 1100 votes!

  5. Fake story.

    We vote on electronic machines that produce no receipts and cannot be audited.
    Votes no longer matter at all.
    This fake story is an effort to make us think it does matter, but illegals are permitted to vote.
    It doesn't matter who votes or for whom they vote.
    The politicians are selected, not elected.

    Think about it folks.
    our reality is manufactured from whole cloth by extremely intelligent agents of the intelligence agencies.
    Hollywood is intelligence.


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