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Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Murkowski Refuses To Explain Why She Campaigned On Obamacare Repeal But Voted Against It

WASHINGTON–Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski refused to explain why she voted against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act when she previously supported similar proposals in her campaigns.

Following the failed “skinny repeal late Thursday night, Murkowski, one of the three Republican senators who voted against it, told The Daily Caller she was not ready to respond to why she campaigned on repealing Obamacare in her last election but reversed her position on the matter recently.

“I am really very tired and so you’re asking for a really thoughtful response and I actually appreciate your question but rather than respond to each and individual request with all of these cameras around me, I’m gonna take a pass,” she said.



  1. Look at her bank accounts - I guarantee that you'll find the answers in there...

  2. Hmm perhaps she didn't want to accept the first piece of garbage thrown at her citizens.

  3. She's needs time to think of how she's going to explain how her acceptance of all that insurance lobby money affected her vote.

  4. Both sides oppose Trump and will do whatever to make him fail. Vote these idiots out! That's the only way.

  5. She was paid, period.

  6. She is a RINO and I think Sara Palin needs to call her out in 2018. Go get her Sara.

  7. 9:40 - go troll where people care about what you say!


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