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Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Attempted Abduction In Girdletree Update

UPDATE: First I want to thank everybody for the shares hopefully we can catch this person. Secondly I want to update this post with a picture of the vehicle of the person who offered my children the candy in an attempt to get them over to the vehicle

Friends and family I just wanted to make you guys aware of something that happened to us today. I was inside the house cleaning up stuff from lunch-Johnathan and Jason were outside jumping on the trampoline, all of a sudden Johnathan and Jason came running inside. Johnathan was very upset, he told me that a man in a light brown Chevy truck with a cab pulled up and asked them if they wanted candy- Jason got excited and tried to get out the trampoline to run to this vehicle. Luckily Johnathan was able to grab him and they came inside and told me. Johnathan said the man looked to be in his late 40's or early 50's possibly mixed or Hispanic. Johnathan said he was sure it wasn't anyone he knew. Just wanted everyone to be aware and vigilant just in case! It has been reported to the sheriff's department and they are looking into it as well.


  1. Is that a Chev S10? I'm not real good with trucks. Looks like a white plate of some sort on the front.

  2. There's one in the chamber for this idiot if he picks the wrong house....

  3. Not relevant, but we learned you really can "girdle" a tree (Girdletree). We wanted a tree gone, but alot of trouble to cut down.. So we scraped off about 5 inches of bark all around the entire tree in a circle. Did this 5 months ago. Tree is about half dead already. Alot faster than we thought.

    1. You are an idiot ! No one cares about your stupid tree.

    2. What a brainiac. Now the dead tree can fall on your house or better yet, YOU.
      Hope this person gets caught fast. A little Shore justice before Barney gets there would be nice also.

    3. You are about as dumb as you can get. Or maybe its you in the truck!!

  4. This pickup should be easy to spot.

  5. 10:09 that is about the worst example of highjacking a post I have ever seen. These people are worried about their little boys and a real threat to their safety and you want to talk about killing trees, just because of the name of the town? That is downright creepy.

  6. This is the 2nd time in as many day that a Hispanic man has approached children yesterday it was Powellville.

    1. Per sbynews, yesterday it was Whaleyville. I have heard no mention of Powellville

  7. There's plenty of prostitutes out here leave the children alone!

  8. Not positive on the color but my wife and kids were walking the dog in greenbackville and a couple guys in a truck like that just stared at them until my wife asked them who they were. They thought my wife was a teenager and asked where we lived. She said one of them look latino. Maybe same guy?

  9. It looks like the truck has damage to the front drivers side also

  10. Its either a Chevy Colorado (small truck) or a Chevy Silverado (full size truck). How do I know? The distinctive grill design.I would guess model years 2000 to 2010.The pickup bed top is an aftermarket item.

  11. Evidently this person is prowling back
    roads where kids are more likely to
    be playing outside,possibly unchaperoned. From Oak Hall, Va.

  12. Is the exact car or a description of car


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