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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Mr. Trash Wheel has collected over a million pounds of garbage from the Baltimore Harbor

The Baltimore Harbor used to be so cluttered with trash that locals, like John Kellett, said you could almost walk across sections of the harbor. It was a sight the sailor and engineer saw every day for 20 years until he decided to meet with the city of Baltimore and offer a solution to clean up the waterway.

Kellett's solution is an eco-friendly, floating structure named "Mr. Trash Wheel." Powered by solar panels and water, Mr. Trash Wheel sits at the end of the Jones Falls River where the river's current turns a windmill-sized metal water wheel that rotates gears and chains to funnel garbage onto a conveyor belt and then into a dumpster. The idea is to detour drifting debris before it enters into the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.



  1. I used to row for the UB crew team. Some days, we had to dodge refrigerators and other things you never expected to be floating near Ft. McHenry. It was a dirty harbor back then.

  2. They need to use Mr. Trash wheel in the streets of Harm city!

  3. Such a positive story with a positive outcome. I'm sure some yahoo group will complain about it...it is the norm of today's snowflakes. Meow loud enough and good efforts are halted!

  4. we need 10 or 15 of them in the wicomico


  5. 8:07 Wins the thread!


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