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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Ann Coulter Rips into Trump For Bannon Firing, Favoring 'Fake News Media' Over Conservative

Ann Coulter, the conservative firebrand who predicted Trump would win, much to the cackling laughter of the Bill Maher audience and panel, railed against Trump in an interview with Mark Simone.

Sounding despondent and admittedly 'depressed' over the recent firing of Steve Bannon, Coulter lashed out at the President, saying 'it's not a good idea to let the media know to manipulate him as President.' Coulter was referencing Trump's defensive posture and annoyance that Bannon had been credited with Trump's election win. Over the past half year, the media, including comedy outlets, had lampoonedTrump and Bannon -- painting Bannon as the true, yet sinister, mastermind behind Trump's success.

Coulter almost pined for the campaign era days of Trump, reflectively saying 'finally, after 30 years, we're gonna get a President not controlled by Goldman Sachs,' making reference to the Goldman alumni stacking Trump's cabinet.

Coulter threw down the gauntlet to Trump, saying, "if you really want to prove to us that Bannon had nothing to do with winning the nomination and then winning the Presidency, what you really want to do now is pedal to the metal on raising taxes on Wall Street (carried interest loophole), start deporting illegals, end NAFTA, bring the jobs back and build the wall."

Ann furthered, "and if he does all those things, okay, I'll say 'My gosh Mr. President you're right. Steve Bannon had nothing to do with your success.'"



  1. If I was starting to resemble the crypt keeper id lash out any way I could too. Isnt she media too? Hippocrite.

  2. This may have been the best thing Trump could do. Now Bannon is looking at starting a news network. What better way to transmit Trump's message?

  3. I giggle with delight awaiting the "Trump Chanel"

  4. Who can believe anything from her. She keeps her boyfriend secret because he is black. She's afraid she will lose her followers.


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