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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Mosby Supports Hogan Proposal, Defends Decision On Body Camera Video

State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby on Wednesday defended her decision to drop dozens of charges related to the most recent questionable body camera video to come to light.

"What I've said is that the moment an officer decides to reenact both the discovery and seizure of evidence, excludes that from his statement of probable cause...essentially it becomes a misrepresentation of the truth," Mosby said. "It not only undermines public trust but it also puts indefensible doubts in the minds of jurors and the general public."

Mosby, in studio with C4, also talked about Tuesday's meeting on violent crime called by Gov. Larry Hogan.



  1. She is one piece of...work and is not what MD needs from this point forward. Resignation papers is the only solution and win/win for all!

  2. A pair of loser's Hogan and Mosby what a waist of time

  3. She's and idiot, period

  4. How the heck is she still around? EVERYTHING she touches turns to poo!

  5. When are she and Hogan going to get serious. CALL OUT THE NATIONAL GUARD. It's already been debated. Hogan is a (can't use that word hear) and won't pull the trigger. Same goes for those loons in Chicago.

  6. She is making the "right call", but all she is really doing is telling her cops to get better at film production.


  7. That PIG Mosby should have resigned by now.

  8. Anonymous said...
    A pair of loser's Hogan and Mosby what a waist of time

    August 31, 2017 at 7:52 PM


  9. Anonymous said...
    She is making the "right call", but all she is really doing is telling her cops to get better at film production.


    September 1, 2017 at 12:40 AM

    "Her cops?" Hey Dumb Dumb, she doesn't have her own cops.

  10. A true criminal talking about crime. Kind of ironic huh?


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