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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Meet Billionaire Kevin Plank: Maryland's Corporate Welfare King

A corporate cronyism scandal could be brewing out of Baltimore, Maryland this month involving Billionaire Kevin Plank (CEO of Under Armour). What is alleged per The Baltimore Post are Baltimore County Council members supporting a ‘conditional grant in an amount up to $ 2,000,000 to Under Armour, inc from the Maryland Department of Commerce pursuant to the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Fund’. The purpose of the grant is for the redevelopment of Tradepoint Atlantic (TPA) of Sparrows Point, where the 3,100 acre site use to be the home of the world’s largest steel producer called Bethlehem Steel.

In this case, Maryland’s economic development assistance fund is better known as ‘corporate welfare’. The article goes on to say,
someone please explain to me why Mr. Plank, who according to Forbes Magazine has a net worth around $1.74 billion, needs $2 million from us regular middle class taxpayers.



  1. I cant for the life of me understand why so called business leaders like Plank pander and cower to every left wing cause such as blm, antifa and of course all lgbt when most of their customers are none of these. Maybe its for free $?

  2. The same reason that EVO and other businesses get grants.

  3. 1:35 yup that's it.

  4. 1:35 most of their customers are...


  5. No problem. Was finally convinced couple months back to buy one of his shirts. It's OK but was manufactured offshore. But his immaturity in this step has made my fashion choices easier going forward. His company is off my list.

  6. If some idiot politicians are going to give him a couple million bucks for free he sure as hell ain't gonna turn it down.

  7. No different than professional sports teams getting tax payer money for stadiums.

  8. 1:36 Yes for the $. Not only the free dollar but other reasons like liberal immigration policies. Cheap labor. Same with that literally smelly company Perdue and the other slaughter houses. The democrats give them a steady stream of ready willing and able workers to work for slave wages. They never have to raise wages with democrats in power. They don't have to compete for employees by offering better wages and benefits. Shouldn't be this way. EmployERS should have to compete for employEES. This is the only way to help an economy long term. It's the natural way, the organic way. Raising minimum wage, etc is just an illusion does nothing to get people out of poverty. President Trump gets it, his supporters get it but unfortunately his haters are products of the dumbed down US "education" system and aren't able to grasp this simple concept.

  9. they should tell him to piss off. If the project makes sense do it. If not do not come here with a hand out.

  10. Boycott Under Armour and their over priced merchandise.

  11. Only overpriced if you are poor or middle class.

  12. Pretty savage 8:25. Maybe you could give us a grant.

  13. ..." how I became a billionnaire". Pilfering money from general population.


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