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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Maryland regulators approve eight new medical marijuana growers

Maryland’s medical marijuana regulators approved final licenses for eight growing companies on Monday, allowing them to start cultivating the drug.

Several companies said they are ready to begin growing immediately, while others say they will take weeks to get started.

“Now, we have a real industry,” said Cary Millstein, CEO of newly licensed grower Freestate Wellness in Howard County.

Until Monday, just one of the 15 selected firms had received final permission to start cultivating medical marijuana, which was first legalized in the state in 2013. Even at full capacity, one firm could not produce nearly enough to support 102 planned dispensaries.



  1. Can't wait for AG sessions to start cracking down at the federal level....the libtards will be scrambling!

    1. Trump said it's up to the state you live in. Doesn't believe in govt control of it.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Can't wait for AG sessions to start cracking down at the federal level....the libtards will be scrambling!

    August 16, 2017 at 2:52 PM

    wanting to punish libtards while hurting other people who NEED medical pot is not the way to go

  3. 3:57 - then make Medical pot legal at the federal level and I won't have an issue with it!

    Meanwhile, you have to take a piss test to get so many jobs that this disqualifies you for - and should!

  4. You know what this whole country is over medicated like a bunch of big babies
    Chronic fatigue chronic pain chronic depression chronic laziness. Life hurts. That is if you work for a living. Most people could not cope or support a family having to do the work our grandparents did with little more than Sloans Liniment and an Aspirin if you could afford even that. I can remember when really big fat people were a rarity. Now they are everywhere with many shopping carts full of Soda and snacks. They don't garden. Hardly cook.Eat out out on the teet then have the audacity to park monster trucks in the handicap spaces that they manage to get in and out of and waddle into the Wal-Mart and plant their sweat panted asses in a hover round and shop like they have not only a right to be but a right to procreate and vote for someone like Trump.

  5. WRONG for so many reasons.

  6. Still against Federal Law > Lock them UP !!! Sessions !!

  7. Meanwhile, you have to take a piss test to get so many jobs that this disqualifies you for - and should!

    August 16, 2017 at 5:19 PM

    Eat out out on the teet then have the audacity to park monster trucks in the handicap spaces that they manage to get in and out of and waddle into the Wal-Mart and plant their sweat panted asses in a hover round and shop like they have not only a right to be but a right to procreate and vote for someone like Trump.

    August 16, 2017 at 6:09 PM

    soar dino's

  8. Federal Govt needs to get some Backbone and straighten out
    All 50 states to let them know WHO IS IN CHARGE and Stop
    all the Marajuana crap going on .....still ILLEGAL !!!!
    Same for Sanctuary Cities crap ........ILLEGAL !!!!!!!!

  9. wow, he doesn't even know how the fed gov't was supposed to work and why the Constitution was designed to restrain the gov't NOT the citizens.

  10. Alot of people in jail and prison for Marajuana
    Yet The states think it is OK for them to approve sale of it > Just to make them more Tax money >>>>>>>> Wrong !!!

    The bull crap of only needing a Prescription is a joke
    Hell anyone can get that ......Now, all of a sudden it is
    all So good for medical reasons ......(All for $$$$$)

  11. Cocaine is next, along with the rest AS Long as the Govt can
    get Tax $$$$ from it .....Hell anything goes !!!!!!
    Let's do Legal Prostitution tooooo ....get high from that

  12. All in jail or prison should SUE the Gov't who are in
    for marajuana ......and make the Govt officials who appvd
    sale of it DO THEIR TIME !!!


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