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Monday, August 21, 2017

FL Killer Is A Black Nationalist Who Murdered Two Officers In Retaliation For Charlottesville

Why does it not shock me that a black nationalist would kill white people who had nothing to do with the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville? He’s a racist who thinks he gets to decide the fate of innocent people because he’s pissed off.

Well newsflash, bucko, you’re no better than the Nazi scum who killed an innocent woman. In fact, you’re worse, because you had the opportunity to set an example of tolerance and peace and love, making the Nazis look even worse. Congratulations, you just lowered yourself to their level.

If you’re not entirely sure what I’m talking about, police were targeted for assassination in several states around the country. In Florida, who officers were shot down in cold blood by Everette Glenn Miller (allegedly) who opened fire on the men before they could draw their service weapons. He fled the scene before backups could arrive, but was arrested shortly after, when he was discovered to have had two guns on his person.

Miller is a Marine veteran who also happens to have an irrational hatred of white people. Not surprisingly, he had some very clear opinions on the man who mowed down Heather Heyer in Virginia.



  1. The democrats will make him a hero!!

  2. The media and obviously the govt is ripping this country into sections and we are the ones not only allowing them but aiding and actually speeding up there agenda by feeding Into to the racist propaganda that is set into effect to separate our nation to make it weak and vulnerable to their next great idea just as they used our feelings to fuel the signing of the patriot act , which in my eyes is one of the worst atrocities against our constitution and rights in my life time! We need not to feed into their agenda but make one of our own for no one cares about our children our community or our future like we do we must come together stop focusing on differences but similarities appreciation empathy morals and humanity is what we need to spread not hate and violence......remember you get what you give!

    1. Never will happen with the agenda of mainstream media that is being pushed solely by radical democrats. 95 percent people feel the way you do. .002 percent of population is rioting and or showing up to these staged fake outrage. However the 200 hundred different camera angles editing and sound bites paints a different picture. I don't watch or pay attention to any of it.

  3. Your Democrat friends won't even condemn this group...Reevaluate your friends.

  4. He should be charged with a hate crime. If he was white he would be. Where is DOJ on this crime?


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