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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Falwell: Media Pushing 'False Narrative' of 'Philosophical War' to Divide America

The Left and media are pushing a "false narrative" trying to smear President Donald Trump, Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr. declared in an interview on “Fox and Friends” Tuesday.

Falwell, son of the late evangelist, commended Trump for last week's speech regarding the violence in Charlottesville, Va., noting that the president condemned Nazis and KKK activists by name - but, did not mention the name of violent left-wing groups, like Antifa, at the event.

He explained how the media are misleading Americans in order to divide them against each other ideologically:

More here


  1. And that's why you and other bloggers are so important right now, and it will only increase as time goes by.

    Don't ever forget who owns the corporate media. It should be obvious to even the most unintelligent person out there what the media and others are trying to do. Most politicians are bought and paid for as well. One doesn't have to look any further than Salisbury to see that with your boy Mayor, as Joe likes to call him. (it seems to fit)

    Unfortunately, it also appears the SPD is in cahoots with him as well, at least the ones in supervisory positions.

    Keep up the good work Joe (and staff). Without you guys, we would be totally lost. The joke of local media in Salisbury can't tell the difference between a thunderstorm and a tornado, or between a hole in the ground and you know what.

  2. Truth, what a concept...


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