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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Alt-Left Insanity: Liberals Vandalize, Attack, Riot and Burn, But Aren’t Violent

Ordinarily, this is a mostly fun column to point out how extremely whacky the alt-left is in America. We’ll get to that, but first, it’s important to know that the alt-left is also violent and dangerous.

The media have gone berserk, angry that President Trump dared call out the left for its own violent lunatics. “I do think there's blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides and I have no doubt about it and you don't have any doubt about it either and- and- and- and if you reported it accurately, you would say it,” explained the president.

He’s right. The racists and the Antifa or antifascists both showed up in Charlottesville ready to fight. And though lots in the media pretend being “antifascist” is something honorable, Antifa is another part of left-wing thuggery. It is a big reason why the racist scum came armed, most likely.

This is the point where the virtue signalers demand that everyone hate Nazis. That’s like hating cancer. We all do. But I will take the ego plunge and quote my own Twitter account: “Nazis are awful. Racists are awful. #Antifa is awful. Political violence is awful. Why does saying that trigger so many in media?” There, the virtue signalers got their digital pound of flesh.

There’s a reason why this is important.

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