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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

EXCLUSIVE: Keith Ellison Reveals Nancy Pelosi’s Real Views On Single-Payer [VIDEO]

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is more supportive of pursuing a single-payer health care system than she’s willing to publicly admit, deputy Democratic National Committee chair and Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison said in a video obtained by The Daily Caller.

“I believe in — I’m signed onto H.R. 676 which is a single-payer health care act. They call it Medicare for all. Yeah, universal health care. Real single-payer health care. I’m on that. But let me tell you this,” Ellison said at a local party meeting in Minnesota last Wednesday, partial video of which was obtained by TheDC.

Ellison asked if anybody was recording him before proceeding.

“Is anybody taping me right now? OK, so, you may have heard that Nancy [Pelosi] is not for it, but that’s not really true,” Ellison said. “Nancy has to represent a very diverse caucus. She does not like getting out ahead of the caucus too fast. So she’s trying to get, she’s, you know, you know, she actually likes the concept.”

“She’s trying to get, you know, you know, she actually likes the concept. She says it’s the best way to do it. She says it’s the cheapest way to do it, but she’s got to make sure that she brings our Blue Dog friends along,” Ellison added. “And by the way, for any of us progressives who get mad at the Blue Dogs, if we didn’t have them, some of them would be replaced by Republicans.”



  1. Call it what it is,socialized health care with the middle class paying for it.All Obama did was take from the middle class and small businesses and give health care to those who didn't have it.

  2. Government will come and take half of your income to cover cost of medical procedures.just like midicaid does at a nursing home or assisted living. This leaves your loved ones looking for a home.

  3. Key word CHEAPEST! Just what we want cheap health care for all= bad health care for all. Count me out!


  4. Research his zig-zag background to understand that evasiveness and duplicity are in his DNA. Beware.


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