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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Democrats warn Bannon against publishing classified information

Democrats have a warning for Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon: Don’t use your position at Breitbart to share classified and sensitive information you collected while at the White House.

"Steve Bannon has an ongoing obligation to safeguard our nation’s secrets, and he does not gain some kind of extra Constitutional protection just because he is now returning to a position in the media,” said Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., the senior Democrat on the House Oversight Committee.

Cummings said lawmakers closely watch people in such positions after they leave high level security positions. He said Bannon should not guide Breitbart to publish information based on classified material he learned while working for the president.

“If he or anyone else in a similar position fails to meet this obligation and provides classified information to someone who is not entitled to have it, he could and should be brought to justice,” he said.

More here


  1. In other words.....dont tell anyone just how really corrupt the government is....

  2. So we can expect Cummings to bring past offenders to justice? Please apply the standard equally.

  3. Really - what a joke

  4. Kinda like James Comey ? Oh wait his memo leaking classified information while he was unemployed actually got the Attorney General to hire a special prosecutor. This leaked information is costing WE THE PEOPLE millions of dollars.

  5. Maybe he will put the info onto a crap server in his bathroom so anybody could hack it to get the information. Apparently the Government doesn't mind when that happens.


  6. That is rich! Cummings issuing a warning when he couldn't detect actions of Hillary, Huma, DWS's IT crew, Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Comey!!


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