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Saturday, August 05, 2017

County-Run Sports Facility’s Potential Economic Impact Touted In Report

SNOW HILL – A county-operated outdoor sports complex could have as much as a $23 million economic impact in Worcester County.

On Tuesday, Crossroads Consulting Services presented the Worcester County Commissioners with a report detailing the potential costs and revenues associated with a tournament-size sports complex. While some commissioners expressed concern over the $25-$30 million such a facility would cost to build, others stressed the importance of exploring sports tourism.

“Our big breadwinners are tourism and agriculture,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said. “Agriculture is going to hold its own, I hope, but as far as tourism goes we are at critical mass. The numbers aren’t going to change. In order for that to change, we’re going to have to change. We’re going to have to have some vision and look ahead. Sports tourism is the future.”



  1. If it will have such a Potential Economic Impact let private sector's money do it. That'll keep the tax base in place and Worcester can reap the bounty from the profits of the private owners.

    Do the Worcester County Commissioners not realize Crossroads Consulting will of course paint a profitable picture when trying to sell a deal. Too late to cry the blues when Worcester's new found fortunate does not pan out.

    Anybody ever hear about the Millions Somerset County would rake in from the Great Hope Golf Course - wouldn't cost the county a cent. Other than the County Commission and a few old golfer (all now dead) the taxpayers yelled NAY. Great Hope opened in 1996 and is still running in the red.

  2. Interesting. Iconic regularly reports significantly larger local revenues


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