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Saturday, August 05, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Boat Comes Ashore On The Beach In Ocean City Maryland

This is happening right now on Dorchester Street in Ocean City.


  1. Year in, year out with beach replenishment and yet the cliffs that come about - separating beach from shoreline. Yes, we've had several storms like nor'easters (which are wintertime storms) recently - but with all the sand pumped to lengthen the beaches....the need for sandbars are a must.

    Just look at the picture - the trouble the folks are having because of the cliff.....

    City Fail - remember when you could take Saturday's and Sunday's off?

    Not any more boys and girls!!!

  2. Just stopping for more beer. Move on. Nothing to report here.

  3. Nice idea but County has no business doing this. That's what private enterprise is for. County can encourage, maybe help with loan guarantees, tax abatements and such but should be privately owned and operated.

  4. Probably Obama's brother trying to leave Africa.

  5. That's why you always have and anchor on your boat LOL. The Atlantic ocean is a lot different than a lake or River in PA.


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