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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Boy Mayor Too Good To Listen As Another Salisbury Police Officer Quits

Another employee/officer has flown the coop from the Salisbury Police Department. This officer was waiting to speak with Mayor Day and it never happened. He even requested to speak to the Chief and even on his last day he told the Major that he was going to be in the Quarter Master's office and she could come down there to him. Guess what? She never showed up. They're dropping like flies, can you blame them?


  1. Luckily crime is way down in the Bury so there is nothing to worry about here.

  2. They don't pay enough Anyway ....and noone needs micro-mgrs

    and the click that runs this town ........

  3. You hear that robbers and rapists? One less to come after you. Pretty soon that shithole will be wide open. They even tried taking down chain link fences so you wouldn't have to jump over them or go around. What else are you waiting for? They even ignore that you exist. Man, what a field day you could have.

  4. Make sure he doesn't go to Princess Anne same kind of clicks running that town.


  5. From a purely good HR management perspective exit interviews with all departing employees are an invaluable tool to understand why staff are leaving. Some terminations are benign (moving with spouse, etc) but others could have been prevented.

    Exiting employees take all their knowledge with them, and if they were displeased they may not be shy about sharing their experiences with friends and family thus reducing the candidate pool for a replacement. Remember CallCenter; they drained the candidate pool (other factors were in play, too).

    McD can put someone on payroll rapidly. Training a cop or nurse or teacher just to beginner certification takes months or years. Unless SPD has well qualified, ready to work tomorrow, candidates lined up around the building, failing to understand via exit interview why an employee is leaving is just borderline malpractice.

  6. Once again. What are you going to do Jake. Wow its the Barbs issue AGAIN. Murder, robberies, rape, more officers packing up and leaving SPD and you just sit there doing nothing. Looks like you will just abandon ship once all goes to hell in a hand basket. Has to be what your doing, bc a good leader would have fixed this by now. WOW

  7. Why should an officer expect to be able to talk to the mayor whenever he feels like it or to discuss an issue? There's a chain of command for that.

    1. If you bothered to read he requested and has gotten no response, that is no, yes or even a sc*** you response! In other words the boy mayor could care less about the local officers. As far as we know he could have had information about corruption but now who knows and most don't seem to care!!

    2. If he wanted to talk to Jake or Barb he could EASILY find both of them on the NEXTDOOR website. Jake would be defending his ideology that jobs are up, homeownership is coming for everyone, and the University students can do no wrong. (Jake youre nothing but a beeeyotch).

      Barb will be busy promising to send officers over to review surveillance footage (like thats gonna do anything) of a fat dude in dark clothes, lying through her yellow teeth about how we all have nothing to worry about. (Barb, youre an asshat)

  8. Good Old Chief Hug a Thug at work they have been leaving since she took office. Remember when she thought she was going to be leaving to another position somewhere else how fortunate for them she was not offered the position and we just can't get rid of her. If she isn't replaced this city will sink faster, she and Fake Jake have ruined what this SPD once was and how respected they were. Even Chief Webster was better than this his problem was just chasing women. Enough all ready.

  9. Since when does a patrolman tell the Chief of Police where the chief can meet him? Sounds like someone who never understood chain of command.

  10. If the mayor and the chief refuse to let them air their grievances on the way out, shouldn't the top news agency on the shore contact them and give them a forum to speak (hint, hint)? We would all love to read what they have to say.

  11. When will she realize she is the problem and vacate. Look what she did up north. They are laughing at us now they were able to get rid of her. More officers to leave I hear. It will take a miracle to get that department back up and running again. They will need a strong leader once it crumbles the rest of the way to the ground. I guarantee she and Jake will just walk away from it never fixing. So sorry to the men in blue who are stuck there trying to save the department.

  12. Yeah, just ignore the complaints of your employees and refuse to talk to them other than down to them to give assignments! Their opinions don't matter to you! Showing you don't care about their issues shows your dominance and superiority!

    How's that working out for you, Babs?

  13. We (SPD cops) won't do anything because we are penalized if a thug gangbanger files a complaint. I've had colleagues docked leave time or officially reprimanded because some lowlife files an unsubstantiated claim againt them. Something as simple as them feeling like we were not respecting them. That's why murders are up 700+% in the past 2 years. Why robberies and assaults are up. We can't do our jobs because our chief doesn't have our backs.

  14. August 15, 2017 at 9:25 PM

    If Trump does pardon Apario maybe we can get him to come here.

  15. Jake you have heard it......Do something about it.

  16. why would dukin want to hear what she already knows? that she's the biggest pos around? what you think she don't already know she's a walking talking turd?

  17. Your killing this city Barb. For the love of God please see it and leave.


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