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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Al Sharpton Furious His Tax Dollars Are Paying for Jefferson Monument — Twitter’s Response Is Savage

With the debate around the removal of Confederate statues heating up, people are starting to look twice at other monuments, as well.

MSNBC host and controversial speaker Reverend Al Sharpton not only advocated for Confederate statues to be removed, but to halt federal funding of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. — citing the fact that America's third president owned a few slaves himself.

Similarly, the President Donald Trump also asked tongue-in-cheek at a press conference, “Are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson?”

However, Sharpton remains firm on the position that this is personal to him. In an interview with PBS's Charlie Rose, the reverend explained:

This is personal to us. My great grandfather was a slave in South Carolina, owned by the family that ended up Strom Thurmond was one of them. The newspaper discovered it.

People need to understand that people were enslaved.

Therefore, he argued that public funds should not be spent on public monuments, like the Jefferson Memorial, that have that kind of background and open display of bigotry — which he calls an “insult to his family.”

Rather than having them publicly displayed, he suggested that they belong in a private museum or park.



  1. I thought he still owed the IRS millions. Until he pays his share his opinion is worthless.

  2. Doesn't he owe ALOT of taxes? So his taxes are not paying for anything!

  3. What tax money does he pay? (map)

  4. Al Sharpton has no right to talk about taxes at all since he doesn't pay what he owes--what a hippocrite! Actually I remember he stated if Trump won he was going to leave this country so LEAVE, LEAVE, LEAVE already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. And I'm furious tax dollars are paying for his healthcare, along with millions of other blacks with welfare and foodstamps, and free phones.

  6. His tax dollars - what a laugh, he doesn't pay taxes, he dodges them.

  7. Sharpton doesn't pay taxes so he's pontificating over nothing. He should be in prison already for tax evasion! He owes literally millions upon millions of dollars but still walks the streets.

  8. Can we pick up Sharpton in the middle of the night and put him out in the dump with the other items that violate common morality and common dececncy?

  9. 9:41 - that turds opinion has always been worthless!

  10. Al Sharpton is not paying his taxes .. He owes millions to the IRS so he is not paying for any monument upkeep.

  11. Right on 11:24 he is a fraud.

  12. Since we are on tax dollars. I am sick that our tax dollars supporting Medicaid for people who take no responsibility for their own health. They suck up medicaid dollars like they have George Soros' money. Example - people needing certain treatments to stay alive then ignore treatments and indulge then end up in the hospital so we can even pay more money - repeatedly!!! I am sick our tax dollars minimally supporting a veteran that cannot qualify for medicaid, but illegals come over and get - guess what - medicaid!! I am also sick of those who have medicaid and other government benefits and then they protest our government, many who don't bother to put any skin in the game (Mr. Joe Biden). I am sick sick sick of them all!!!!

  13. WHY hasn't Trump arrested this TAX POS FRAUD .

  14. A picture of two complete idiots seated together at a table, Charlie Rose and Al Sharpton.

  15. Charlie Rose is a charter Obamanista!

  16. I was thinking the same thing,

  17. Seeing as how Al Sharpton doesn't pay his taxes he doesn't have a freakin leg to stand on. Sit down and shut up Al until you pay up and then maybe we'll listen to something you have to say about taxes.

  18. Why does anyone put a microphone in front of that idiot pos? I thought Rose was better than that; apparently not.

  19. Am Sharpton is a bigot. He has been behind so many racest movements. He has created so many problems defending people of color who should never be defended by anyone. He owes millions in taxes. HE is a disgrace to humans of all color. Bigoted idiot.

  20. Sorry Al. Your barking up the wrong tree
    There is no one still alive that owned any of your people. You r insignificant little man lol

  21. The White's Tax Dollars are Putting Up with HIM (Racist) !!

  22. The statue represents our history whether it is good or bad. We must these symbols as a learning experience for our future. Does this mean we need to remove them from our history book? The beginning of this was the removal of Jesus from school and public places. What about the Ray Lewis statue? Pete Rose? What are we doing? Why? It's history move on.

  23. This is laughable. I didn't know he paid taxes. This is laughable.

  24. He should be Thanking the White American soldiers of ALL the
    wars who have SAved him , so he can spend his life Hating


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