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Thursday, July 06, 2017

Vatican rocked by reports of ‘gay’ orgy

Police raid cardinal's apartment, arrest occupants

(NZHerald) –
Vatican police have raided a cardinal’s apartment where a drug-fueled homosexual orgy was taking place.

Police entered an apartment at the former palace of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (or Holy Office) last month not far from the Vatican City.

The occupant of the apartment is alleged to be a priest who serves as a secretary to cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the head of the Pontifical Council for Legislative texts and a personal adviser to the pope.


  1. Why are they called gay when so many are so depressed and depressing?

  2. Thank you for posting this. So many people come on this blog or on "social media" saying they will "pray" for whoever or whatever is happening. They say that people need "God" in their lives or to "follow the Bible." Yet, over and over again, these religious leaders and their cult like followers show their true colors when they think they are alone and not being watched. This is a perfect example. Drugs, gay sex, orgies, lies and manipulation by the HIGHEST RANKING MEMBERS. Not to mention that these, so called, leaders are recommending their sex partners and drug using "friends" for promotions and jobs within the church. They are no better than you or I. People need to wake up and realize the religion is a hoax that was created thousands of years ago to control people through fear. That it is still controlling people today, through fear, is both remarkable and scary. I can't believe people still support the church both through attendance and the tithing of money. Your money is going directly to finance these drug and sex parties for the upper management. Please stop insulting people by offering your "prayers" and religious advice. You are free to believe in whatever you want. Just stop imposing your belief on everyone else. Us "educated realists" have our own belief system.

  3. The Catholic church has lost it's way.

  4. The "moral majority" as it were.

  5. What ever happened to "Do what the Romans do"?

    (night night!)

  6. 10:48 You seem so bitter. No one is forcing religion on you, so relax a little. I understand your point, as I am a 'reformed' Catholic, meaning I only go if someone is getting married or died. Not my cup of tea after they did all they could do to cover up child molestation. For God's sake (pun intended), even hardened criminals will beat up child rapists in jail!
    But, religion has a comforting element for many people (i.e. when there's no one to talk to when mortar fire is dropping on your ass) and it allows many people to reinforce morals (when they are the right ones) that that will not get in school.
    And, 11:33, yes it has lost it's way. It's so sad that the largest organization in the world is imploding on itself because of corrupt leaders. Let's PRAY that the new leader might change things. He seems like a good man and a beloved Pope.

  7. 10:48 You are mostly correct. I was raised in catholicism and could see way too many fallacies in it at a very early age. By 17 I left home and that religion behind. Organized religion is like American politics in that there are so many "leaders" who are morally bankrupt that sometimes we think they are all like that. Just like we need a massive shake-up of congress in the next election to continue the message that was delivered last November, some of the faithful need to wake up and stop supporting what goes on behind the scenes in their hypocritical - and very sinful - Vatican ruling class elites.

  8. 10:48 Bottom line it is your personal relationship with God that matters. Not what the church does. It shouldn't stop anyone from believing in God if that is what you choose to do. You are generalizing people. Not all christians, Jews, etc are bad It's kind of like saying all muslims are bad or all Mexicans commit crimes. You see where I'm going with this.

    1. So, if it is MY personal relationship, why are your and others beliefs forced upon me. And, why are "Christians" so judgmental and trying to force their belief system on everyone else? People are so vain. Nothing infuriates me more than an athlete winning a competition and immediately saying "God was looking out for me today." What? So, God has nothing better to do than to worry about YOUR game or event. And, why does God pick YOU over ALL OTHERS to help win. It's ridiculous, vain and self serving. Exactly what religion is NOT supposed to be about. It happens every single day.

  9. "The alleged orgy is symptomatic of a difficult period for the Pope. Four years into his papacy the Catholic Church appears racked by conflict and scandal."

    As a Catholic I am embarrassed for the church. For years I have been defending this Pope, but when he visited Obama and told us we should keep our borders open I lost all respect for this Liberal Douche Bag.

  10. 2:42, AKA 10:48, "Anonymous said...
    So, if it is MY personal relationship, why are your and others beliefs forced upon me. And, why are "Christians" so judgmental and trying to force their belief system on everyone else? People are so vain. "

    You HAD to go there even after saying you wouldn't. LOL! I knew you would, just a matter of waiting for a few others to nibble on your bait.

    To repeat what others said, nobody is forcing anything on anyone. We share ideas, and everyone has the right to consider them and accept or reject them.


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