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Thursday, July 06, 2017

Our President Trump is Huge in Poland

By Thornton Crowe

Waking up before Dawn, I was fortunate to tune into President Trump's speech in Warsaw. Amazing the sight to behold, hundreds of Polish residents, flying American flags and carrying signs of Trump while screaming "USA! USA! USA!" Certainly more American flags there than I see driving around Salisbury on Independence Day!

And the speech -- not a whisper of an apology - not an ounce of disdain towards America or Poland. It was a powerful speech, as most of his are, and it resonated with his audience in a very real, meaningful way. It was stirring, enlightening and uplifting, yet to the point. He admits he will have to entertain doing things like deal with North Korea in a very stern fashion, but the people he was talking to understood the why... so why can't some Americans?

It leaves one to ponder, why is it our president is more popular in other countries than here in the States? The answer is easy: Some Americans act like spoiled brats. It's really that simple.

Poland, as with other countries throughout the world, live under oppression everyday. They don't have the luxury of free speech or snowflake temper tantrums. No, they have dictators who monitor their every move and watch their every thought. And they appreciate strong leaders who believe in their countrymen without fail. They see Trump as a beacon of greatness, power and strength. They don't care about his tweets even though they, too, have Twitter. They see him as a hero!

There's no vagina hats or Madonna talking about blowing up the White House or Johnny Depps talking about the last time an actor assassinated a president. Hardly. There's real patriots - patriots we should have here more so than anywhere else in the world. We are lucky to live under his leadership and should be proud that we have someone so dedicated to us and making our individual lives better!

What does that say about Americans who continuously bash him and trash him? Well, it's pretty simple, we look disgraceful. We look ingrateful. We look spoiled to the core. We are irreverent and disrespectful.

I dare say, in Poland, they would never be allowed to entertain a play illustrating the assassination of their leader. In fact, they would probably be jailed and possibly executed for such an act of treason. Yet, we hide behind the First Amendment of the very Republic we hold disdain.

Americans just don't realize how lucky we are. We sit here, watching our disgusting news media trash and burn Trump everyday and think nothing about the absolute travesty it is - as well as our own bad form for allowing it. Watching the speech below, you can tell, the people of Poland appreciate our leader with great love and enthusiasm much like he gets from our rallies.

What about the Magical snowflakes like Molly of the our country who brand him a rapist and trash him like CNN? All they do is complain, blame, feign offense and wonder why their corrupt criminal lost the election. In short, they act like morons and then have the audacity to preach about civility.

We'd better get our act together because we look bad for dissing on Trump not for electing him. And to the rest of the world, it shows just how charismatic he is now! Time to buck up and really take a deeper look in the mirror because the only problem you really have with Donald Trump is actually with yourselves and your own warped worldview from limited experience. Grow Up!


  1. Other countries showing Americans how to be patriot. Sad. Really pathetic. If they have it so bad here, then go find another country to live in and do your protesting. Chances are you won't think it's so hot after the afterglow wears off and reality kicks in.

  2. Good speech. Worth getting up to watch.


  3. You're absolutely right Thornton.

    Perhaps the reason they so appreciate Mr Trump is that they've lived under communism and they fully UNDERSTAND what that means.

    And they see the aggression and encroachment of Russia under Putin-- wanting to revive the old Soviet Union-- and the choice is stark to them.

    Mr Trump and the USA represent freedom to them.. a powerful country finally being led by a man with the stones to do what needs doing to keep the west free.

    They're all in. I sure wish we were.

    The tantrums and obstruction of the liberal left are really hurting our country, and I really wish they would GROW UP and start acting like mature adults. They wouldn't be happy for very long if they actually got their way...

    Just ask the people of Poland.

  4. I travel all over Europe and contrary to what the Media would tell you, Pres. Trump is liked by the average Joe. They wish they had a leader like him. They admire he is doing what he promised. They like that he has real pride in his country, and is not PC. They really like that he is not a politician and goes his own way. They really like how he wants to protect his people and country from immigrants taking over.

  5. In talking to those who naysay Trump, I've found they completely misunderstand the whole situation because they follow people like CNN like pigs. They believe all the insane lies and fabrications without even bother to investigate for facts on their own. 1015, many europeans know the reality of socialism and communism. There's no pretense there. They live it everyday and there's no escape.

  6. I agree. It is disgraceful how we treat the leader of our country. And Obama going to South Korea to discuss how to deal with President Trump should be seen as a crime of treason. He is a retired President. Even a pain citizen doing this would be guilty of treason. He has no right to go to the leader of a foreign country who is seeing him because he was the President and put down our current government whom we, the people, elected. He should be charged with treason. If he doesn't like it here under President Trump, heaven knows, he has the money and the backing, I might add, to live anywhere in the world he wants. Just go!!!

  7. You're absolutely right Thornton.

    Perhaps the reason they so appreciate Mr Trump is that they've lived under communism and they fully UNDERSTAND what that means.

    And they see the aggression and encroachment of Russia under Putin-- wanting to revive the old Soviet Union-- and the choice is stark to them.

    Mr Trump and the USA represent freedom to them.. a powerful country finally being led by a man with the stones to do what needs doing to keep the west free.

    They're all in. I sure wish we were.

    The tantrums and obstruction of the liberal left are really hurting our country, and I really wish they would GROW UP and start acting like mature adults. They wouldn't be happy for very long if they actually got their way...

  8. The left marches and protests and rants about oppression and bigotry. I seriously doubt many (if any) have any clue what it is like to live under government imposed sanctions. Sure, we have laws as a matter of keeping order and peace. True, it is our right to disagree. That is what makes America great. But I would suggest if these liberals feel the grass is greener, leave and go to a country that does not allow freedom of movement, speech, and the right to disagree. Don't try to change this country into a warped liberal mindset.

  9. "They don't have the luxury of free speech... No, they have dictators who monitor their every move and watch their every thought."

    Wow. Is this what you people really want?!

    That is NOT the America that I defended with military service.

  10. Go Trump, what a great President. I support him 100%

  11. 70 to 80 thousand in attendance. AND, THEY cheered him. Take note America!


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