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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Things got uncomfortable on CNN Friday afternoon

Things got uncomfortable on CNN Friday afternoon when host Wolf Blitzer chided political analyst Gloria Borger about getting better sources within the Trump administration.

Things got uncomfortable on CNN Friday afternoon when host Wolf Blitzer chided political analyst Gloria Borger about getting better sources within the Trump administration.

President Donald Trump announced Friday he had named John F. Kelly, the current Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, his new Chief of Staff. Reports emerged that Reince Priebus had privately resigned a day earlier.

Priebus had been embattled in the job since nearly the beginning of Trump's tenure, but Borger said she had gotten some "pushback" as to whether he was on his way out.

"I think in a way the Reince Priebus departure is not a surprise, although we did get pushback on it today," Borger said. "But we had heard—



  1. Blitzer is CIA and Borger is a tool of the same organization.
    They pretend to not know certain things when in truth, they are given the agenda well in advance.
    The media is totally corrupt and controlled by the same people who are controlling DC (the Swamp).

    We can no longer trust any of the main stream sources in my opinion.
    We are constantly being lied to.

  2. Wolf is one to talk about not having reliable sources. He's been talking nonstop about Russia without ANY credible sources of information.


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