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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Accident Sixty Foot Road and Route 50


  1. You can see a mile in both directions at that intersection. Must be some terrible drivers living on the east side of the county.

    1. U can not see a mile in each direction as there is a bent in the east bound lane. The problem is patience and bljndspots in your car. People also have issues judging distance. I go thru here multiple times a day and I am always careful of those in a rush to cross over.

  2. No surprise. I've come westbound on 50 numerous times and watched people not even try stopping before crossing 50. It is human error not the bs deadly intersection propaganda!!

  3. They need to get rid of all cross overs between Salisbury and Berlin unless there is a light.

  4. 11:53 AM Not just East side of this County, any traveling east of Cambridge is like a nightmare. I travel the mid-Atlantic for work up to a thousand miles a week and the lower Eastern Shore is the worst. Routinely see people just stopping in acceleration lanes, instead of merging in with the flow of traffic, they just stop. It's like they're saying forget merging in I'm just gonna sit and wait. Putting drivers behind them, trying to accelerate in danger. Then there are the Drivers just traveling along down the road in the passing lane, wondering why drivers are passing them on the right giving them the finger. After you're done passing MOVE over, they teach you that in Driver Ed!

  5. 1:35 Many of the drivers on the shore aren't that far removed rom the horse and buggy, scared to drive over a bridge and have not idea how to use a circle.

  6. It's not surprising and it's not because there's anything dangerous about that intersection. Bad drivers..period. Whether distracted, texting, talking...whatever. Just bad drivers cause in incidents...not accidents, incidents. Accidents are generally unavoidable situations arising from a series of unfortunate events. Every accident at sixty foot road was almost certainly avoidable.

  7. It's the people crossing rt 50 that cause the accidents there is no merge lane so they get tired of waiting and cut off the fast lane.

  8. Maybe a special boy mayor can install roundabouts.

  9. Sat at the Dash In at Willards eating lunch and watched at least 4 people just make it across 50,they are not paying attention is all.

  10. I was one of the first on the scene yesterday and witnessed it from about a mile away. A couple from PA crossed in front of a man in westbound. I stayed on scene to assist the injured woman passenger from PA. The westbound driver stayed in his car.
    I would like to commend the Orkin rep who assisted, as well. He was extremely professional and apparently well trained in first aid, even having a first aid kit with ice paks, etc. Whoever you are, you helped tremendously! Thank you for being a Good Samaritan.

  11. Really sick n tired of people insulting us that live on the Eastern shore as well as those of us living on Eastside of wicomico county. The problem is not the intersections it s people not paying attention as well as being in a hurry. So people quit insulting us residents and pay attention and slow down


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