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Monday, July 31, 2017

Obama’s eco-friendly light bulbs likely the source causing reported health problems

A professor in the United Kingdom is claiming that LED light bulbs, made popular under policies that pushed consumers away from incandescent light bulbs in 2007, are causing headaches and creating feelings of dizziness.

According to a report from the Daily Mail, Professor Arnold Wilkins of Essex University’s psychology department said that the manner in which LED lightbulbs save energy also causes onlookers irritation, and even headaches and dizziness.

In order to reduce total energy output, LED lightbulbs dim by 100 percent, turning on and off imperceptibly hundreds of times a second. But this “flickering” could be responsible for a disorienting effect.



  1. Facinating, I would assume this is also true about led televisions.

  2. I have this all through out my home. Could not be more pleased with the energy savings and the fact that the bulbs don't get hot. I think if you get the bulbs with a coating and not clear glass, you can avoid most of these problems.

  3. I first noticed this phenomenon while driving behind a Cadillac SUV about five years ago. The brake lights going on felt like they bored a hole in my brain through my eyeballs.

  4. 1:25 Don't assume that any of it is true. Too many people have a "reaction" to just about anything. Most of have never been through any hardship in their lives.

  5. I really like them. Something is strange about the light they give though. Try looking at a single led, like an indicator light in an appliance, while you are using an electric toothbrush. The light seems to vibrate separately than the rest of your field of vision. Its very strange to see.

  6. 4:18 wow...you are right...but only when I stand on one foot.

  7. 418
    Try brushing your teeth when you aren't tripping.
    Everything will be fine.

  8. If you blink your left eye twice then your right eye three times while pulling down on your left ear with your right hand and whistle then the problem will go away for 8.3 hours.

  9. When there is a peer-reviewed scientific study in a reputable journal, I'll pay attention. Until then? It's one crackpot with no actual evidence.

  10. I'm using this as a reason to rob a bank tomorrow! Can anyone tell me which one uses LED lighting and has the most money on Tuesdays, LOL! I'll have a solid alibi, won't I?

    Wow, btw, because our electricity runs at 60 hz, which is 60 cycles per second, I'n sure 100x/sec is pretty much not going happen.

    Try again.


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