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Monday, July 31, 2017

Joe Biden called John McCain before the healthcare vote

Joe Biden called John McCain ahead of the Senate's vote on the healthcare repeal and lobbied for the lawmaker to go against it, according to reports.

Senator McCain's shocking vote was reportedly influenced by Biden during a phone call from the former vice president in which they talked about McCain's brain cancer.

In an emotional talk with the Arizona Republican, Biden is said to have discussed McCain's glioblastoma diagnosis, the same tumor that killed his son Beau in 2015.

After the reported phone call, McCain went into the Senate and stunned fellow lawmakers when he voted against his party's 'skinny' repeal of Obamacare on Friday.



  1. Imagine that....two dead beats that think they are heros.....both ZEROS!

  2. Show Both Of Them The Exit Doors !!

  3. McCain has set his legacy. He will not be remembered as a "war hero".
    But just the opposite. He will be remembered for voting no on the healthcare bill.
    Which he campaigned and won re election on, to fix.

  4. Think McCain is his own man. Not sure Biden really influenced him on the vote.

    1. No he's not. He flip-flopped 180° on what he said during his campaign.

  5. You can't be any more RINO than that. He is colluding with the enemy (Democrats). His brain cancer, while a horrific diagnosis, will have a positive effect on the Republican Party when he succumbs to the disease. Bad for him, but good for the rest of us.

  6. A chameleon at his best. No Republican. Look at his record.

  7. Don't be fooled. McCain is not going to run for re-election when his term is up so it's easy for him and two others to sabotage Trumps attempt to fix whats wrong.

    This is the game they all play in congress. McCain was chosen by the rest to kill the bill when NONE OF THEM WANT TO KILL THIS HUGE CONTROL OVER YOU AND ME.

    It enables the rest to have the appearance that they want to kill obummercare but they don't

  8. Biden has been through hell in his lifetime and deserves more respect. I salute Mr. Biden.

  9. If there is such a thing as a swamp in Washington DC, then Mr. McCain is definitely water logged.

  10. "... I salute Mr. Biden."

    And I piss on Joe Biden; a leech who has never held a real job in his life and has survived by sucking off the taxpayers teat.

  11. 5:37 Man, you're an idiot! You must be talking about a different biden.

  12. As absolutely horrible as Joe Biden is, anyone who supports him is even worse.

  13. Swamp people suck.

  14. 5:37 it's the same "hell" we all go through. C'mon man! The mans a bigger dunce than Trump! Lol
    Anyone notice John McCain isn't being treated at a Veterans hospital? Why not? Because Government run isn't good enough for him!

  15. McCain has been in Congress too long (35 years / and 81 years old), and is there for all the wrong reasons. He has finally received his "term limit" imposed by his health condition. It's sad and bad for the country that the only way to get our corrupt incumbents out of office is by their deaths. Just look at Pelosi. 29 years in office, 77 years old, and no intention of stopping her constant campaigning for re-election cash and her desperate hold on power. The old bastards are just greedy, pure and simple. They are ALL multi millionaires by the end of their first terms. They will steal from us, and make tons of money from all the insider trading on their "proposed" legislation, until they are dead.


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