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Sunday, July 16, 2017

NYPD cops turn their backs on De Blasio

A significant amount of New York City Police Department officers turned their backs against Mayor Bill de Blasio when he spoke at the funeral of Miosotis Familia, the 48-year-old NYPD officer who was fatally shot in the head by Alexander Bonds on July 5.

Thousands of NYPD officers attended Familia’s funeral of the 12-year veteran in the Bronx at World Changers Church New York.

Plenty of officers lined the streets, including 25,000 mourners attended from across the country, but when de Blasio began to speak at the funeral, many men and women in blue turned their back to the mayor.



  1. Is a funeral really the place for a publicity stunt.

    1. Liberal Troll. And you wonder why you keep losing elections. Snowflake

  2. Turning your back to the mayor is different than turning your back on the mayor. One is shunning, the other is disobeying orders.

  3. It's about time....

  4. Good for them, they have a nut job for a mayor - kinda like Salisbury.

  5. Union dems turning there back on there dem mayor Hmmmmmmmm?

  6. As well they should after he went to G20 to protest the USA. What a piece of dogshit.

  7. 3:39 yes, its the only time the POS mayor shows his face

  8. He should be ashamed. He was off busy protesting and rioting and hanging with thugs in Germany. He should have stayed home and took care of that city. You see where his priority was.

  9. YES! Way to go, LEO! He needs that show of force.

  10. 3:39, this punk is the stunt just by being there.

  11. Big bird is a typical lib pos.

  12. Some young thug thought it would be funny to loudly play the song "**ck the police" while this was taking place. The police got him to stop but the landlord was not happy and is throwing them out.


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