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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Maine Democratic Rep Makes Physical Threat Against ‘Pu**y’ Trump

A Democratic state lawmaker in Maine appears to have made a death threat against President Trump.

“Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that pussy,” Rep. Scott Hamann wrote in a lengthy Facebook tirade on Tuesday.

Hamann, who represents a district in South Portland and also works as project manager for a food bank, appears to have been responding to another Facebook user who expressed support for Trump.

Hamann accused Trump of being “anti-American,” and an “admitted rapist” who was “installed by the Russians.”



  1. Somebody needs to take a weekend in a quiet place at the end of one of those 10,000 dirt roads in Maine so that he can get a grip.

  2. Not a very tough looking guy.

  3. Obamas liberal brain implant chip tells the Drones to Do this ! Now, here. If coupled they do not rebel. Cut the cord (internet)! You must . Insanity !

  4. Hamann had clean his mouth out with bleach. The real GOOD SHEPHARD is listening.

  5. You go after Trump we will come for u. (map)

  6. Wow, keep pushing the society envelope of hatred. Trump is ONLY the President of the USA. Want to have a tantrum? Yell about YOUR CONgress!


  7. Have a good time in lockup. I'd sentence him mandatory 8 years to be sure Trump will have a safe Presidency.

  8. You know what this sissy appears to be, not in favor of name calling. Just bet he likes males and needs a good bit-h slapping.

  9. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 12, 2017 at 9:32 PM

    Another derailed idiot from the Party of Democ-rats, spewing garbage and hate. Dude is foaming out his mouth like a sick rabid dog. He has been "poisoned" and brainwashed by Liberal Kool-Aid, someone in Maine should put him out of his misery.

  10. If you dem traitors want a civil snowflake war TRY IT.

  11. I think he stopped taking his meds.

    1. I think he's on something that wasn't prescribed.

  12. President Trump should invite him to the White House, then just let the Secret Service do their job.

  13. Maine just fell off my list of places I like to visit.

  14. The left is devoid of ideas and as a last resort has nothing but violence. God help us.

  15. 15 seconds of fame...now over!


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