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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Men and Republicans Are the Best Tippers

Hoping to get a good tip? Seek out the table with the most conservative men from New England. A new survey finds men, Republicans, and residents of the northeast are the best tippers.

Women tip a median of 16 percent, while Democrats and southerners leave a median 15 percent at a restaurant, according to a new survey of more than 1,000 American adults conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International on behalf of CreditCards.com. That's compared with the median 20 percent that men, Republicans, and northeasterners leave. Those who pay with plastic leave a median 20 percent, compared with 15 percent for those who pay in cash.

Though roughly half of people tip between 16 percent and 20 percent, about a fifth of restaurant goers polled admitted to stiffing the wait staff at least occasionally.



  1. And liberal progressive want it for free with no tips

  2. I for one NEVER stiff the wait staff.....the amount may vary due to there service or the lack of. Wife and I will tip from low end of 15% to high of 30%. We look for pleasantness, professionalism, drink refills and attention. We do not short the wait staff even if food is the weak link....wait staff has nothing to do with food prep, we ask to talk with the manager over food issues!

  3. Russians are not the best tippers. They will convince you they have dirt on Hilary Clinton and then come up with nothing. But that's okay in the eyes of Republicans. Because you can plan to collude but it doesn't count if the Russian you collude with was lying

  4. Actually as an ex server I often found the evangelical religious were the worst. Often zilch.....instead would write scripture on the tab as my "tip". Gee thanks !!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Well 3:52 First you have to have evidence which none has ever been found next you have to ask what was so incriminating on Hillary's server that she had to hide it them destroy it with several cell phones. Obama was in charge of the country at that point so blame him if there was a lapse in security not Trump.

  7. That's because they make the most money so they have more to spend on tips.

  8. No surprises here. Democrats are only generous when they are forcing another person to be "generous".

  9. Years ago I waited tables so I always leave at least 20, more if they are exceptional servers and add friendly.

  10. 4:19- You are 100% correct, and also "Canadians." You know who I am talking about.

  11. 20% most of the time...if superior service more, if service is not on par, less...

  12. yup 4;19 i've seen it a lot to. They keep you hopping and running and you bend over all but backwards for them and zilch do they leave you. They can be horrible on how they treat you to! Yet they are Christian? yeah right.....some of them need to practice what they preach and re-read their Bibles!

  13. Minimum 25%. And I'm a liberal.

  14. My daughter disagrees with this article. She told me that when she worked at the Backstreet Grill that mainly older (white) people came in (and she assumed they were mostly Republican by their hats (MAGA for example)) and they were the worst tippers whereas the millennials and poorer looking people tipped better. She assumed that I believed this article since I brought it up in conversation last night. What she failed to do was to listen to me all the way through and she would have discovered my doubt over the validity of the report.

  15. I Threw Up My Lemonade When I Read Your Stupid Asinine CommentJuly 12, 2017 at 10:10 AM

    1003 your daughter doesn't understand this: older people do this silly thing. They tip based on service they receive. Imagine that. This was the whole premise of tipping in the first place. Quality of service gets quality tips. Older folks don't just tip for the sheer hell of it. It's based on their opinion of how well a waiter or waitress TREATS them. They're of the mindset that they go to a restaurant to be waited on not treated badly.

    If you want that kind of bad service go to restaurants like Ed Debevic's where you're expected to be treated badly because that's their schtick.


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