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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Generation Porn? The Real Reasons Why Men Are Shunning Marriage


  1. For a growing number of men, it just isn't worth the aggravation.

  2. 1:23pm That's spot on.

  3. It works both ways, but both my son's have decided to do their own thing and skip the dating scene. My oldest son who is 23, dated a girl for over a year. In that time she expected him to be available by text or phone 24/7 and constantly criticized him and nagged him for petty things like his toe nails, or clothing, or his devotion to his church. She wanted to change him, and he was tired of trying to please her, so he ended the relationship. He is the happiest I have seen him in months. My younger son as dated, and decided he wants none of the baggage his older brother had to deal with. She was a snowflake who got her feelings hurt very easily. She did not accept criticism or joking. His mother and I also got tired of the drama as well.

  4. You are weak then, and not worthy anyway.

  5. 1:45, weak? I don't think so. Plenty of fish in the sea, and you don't need marriage anymore to be happy. Plenty of activities and hobbies to enjoy as well as friends and family to have a full life. Billions of people as well!

  6. 1:54 you sound like a snowflake....me me me.....man up sissy, mommy's feelings were hurt so you dumped the girl....stay with Mommy you will turn out well....NOT!

  7. 232 doesn't get it....

  8. Too many man haters out there anyway. It's no wonder so many men with money look for women in Eastern Europe, Russia, or Latin America. Not spoiled, not selfish and still traditional.

  9. 18:58-19:25 on cue.

  10. Unlike the rest of you,who by your own admission are sensationally popular and in high demand,I am a loner.I can take or leave women.

  11. Happier single. Way happier.

  12. No one bothers to mention that women don't want to bother with the obligation either. I am not interested in some mama's boy that cant find his way out of their basement.

  13. Women's Liberation brought to society by the Rockefeller Foundation was a terrible thing for women.
    Now they MUST work. Now they have no identity in the family (mothers). Now they realize once they get a little bit older that they were duped by Women's Lib and are paying a hefty price.

    Men simply moved on.

    It is the family that suffered, meaning society as a whole.
    But that was the purpose of it. Destroy the society by destroying families. Create more "workers" for industry.
    The Rockefeller Foundation and all of the globalists got exactly what they wanted.

  14. I watched the video from beginning to the end. I totally agree with everything that was said between three generations of men. Radical feminism, the media down playing men, and the economy have ruined any incentive men have in finding a woman and getting married.
    Many women want still want to have it all and a husband with a higher income. More men are now unemployed or under employed. We stand more to loose than woman in marriage and it is easier for a woman to walk away from the marriage and kids, leaving men with little to nothing.
    Men still get treated unfair in divorce. Millennial men know this all to well watching what there fathers went through. Most of them came from broken families. I think the rate of unmarried men in this age group by age 50 will be higher than 25 percent.

  15. A man marries a woman thinking she won't change...but she does. A woman marries man because she thinks he will change...but he doesn't.

  16. You have learned well, grasshopper.....

  17. The working woman and the demise of the american family. Not bashing here just agreeing with 5:44 in some regards. Society has forced the two earner family to exist just to maintain the standard of living our parents had in the 50's. We have been bamboozled.

  18. Women like porn to...Our society will only dip to the level our women allow.

  19. Too many dysfunctional men and women out there now..would never get married again. Most of the millenials are selfish immature brats who can't commit to a pet much less a family.


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