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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Boy Mayor Jake Day & The City Council Are Idiots

The Board of Ed's brand new chain link fencing at 101 Long Ave (old BOE Central Office) in Salisbury.


  1. Chain link fencing has a place in providing for the safety and security of the public, in both private and public applications. That's why this one's going up on Wicomico County property.

    For my money, a fence is meant to guard privacy and property, and that scaling or otherwise crossing that boundary without permission should be considered trespassing, with the fence (and gates) acting as a de facto "No Trespassing" sign. We have a problem with finding people who don't belong in our yards, front and back. "No Trespassing" signs are required to comply with the law, but, boy, are they ever more ugly than fences; they tell passersby that the neighborhood is in trouble.

    There should be legislation that says if a fence is around a property, all that is within that fence is the owner's castle and that breaching the fence without permission constitutes trespassing, without having to resort to garish signage on every surface.

  2. Is that in compliance with the new fence guide lines. What are the 4 trailers storing. Suppose to be furniture moved from choices are they going there or in the area behind the old fire house that was taken down.

  3. But, after all, the law only applies to the rabble.

  4. Don't do as I do...do as I say.

  5. Oh my gosh! This really makes them look like morons.

  6. Schools are not considered city property! They are Wicomico County.

  7. County property. Culver is again challenging the Idiots in charge of Salisbury and their new asinine law. Go BOB.

  8. 10:46, Consider this. My landlord lives in Ocean City or in the County but my property is in the City, DUH!

  9. There are rules and then there are OTHER rules!!!
    Learn it, live it, love it - its the best thing going for yeee TODAY!!


  10. The POINT Boy Mayor Day is claiming is that chain link fences depreciate property values.

    Now, based on his point, commercial properties are exempt, and the point is?

    There are residential homes all around the ZOO, WWTP, SCHOOLS and a ton of other locations.

    The Mayor and Council are total Idiots. This is a class action lawsuit in the making, believe me.

  11. Jakey, sit down and STFU!

  12. What about the baseball fields that are in Salisbury? Will they have to get rid of the backstops in all those fields?

    1. Jake Day won't let this happen. His fearless leader won't allow anything negative happen to any of the baseball fields in the area. What kind of 60 year old man goes around dressed like a 16 year old kid everyday, and the whole hair dye thing needs to stop, there comes a time when it looks ridiculous

    2. Curious there coach cropper, what ever happened to your college baseball coaching aspirations??

  13. This is just Jake's way of letting you know that your property is really the city's property.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Schools are not considered city property! They are Wicomico County.

    July 14, 2017 at 10:46 AM

    Hey idiot, my house is not considered city property either. I own it, but they try to legislate how I live in it.

  15. I can't wait to see Little League fences with vinyl fencing. Oh boy.

  16. Jake Day, Jack Heath, Manure Bota and Jim Ireton. What a bunch of losers!

  17. I notice Jake Day has been sucking up to the Board of Ed a lot lately and sending out silly tweets about them. WTF did the City of Salisbury start paying the bills for the County Board of Education?

    They don't and Jake Day needs to mind his own business and stay concerned about the shootings, stabbings and killings in Salibury.

    There is nothing good to Tweet about in Salisbury so he has to Tweet County BOE information as if he has something to do with it.

  18. Anonymous said...
    This is just Jake's way of letting you know that your property is really the city's property.

    July 14, 2017 at 2:16 PM

    That is correct. The Democrats try to own you. How many times do we have to let the public know that the Democrats are keeping you in slavery.


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