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Sunday, June 25, 2017

President calls for barring immigrants from welfare for five years

President Trump announced Wednesday night that he will soon ask Congress to pass legislation banning immigrants from accessing public assistance within five years of entering the U.S.

“The time has come for new immigration rules that say ... those seeking immigration into our country must be able to support themselves financially and should not use welfare for a period of at least five years," Trump told a campaign-style rally in Grand Rapids, Iowa.

Trump's proposal would build on the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, which allows federal authorities to deport immigrants who become public dependents within five years of their arrival.

Trump's proposal would also prevent the admission of people who are likely to become so-called "public charges" within five years of their arrival. The concept of "public charge" has been part of U.S. immigration law for over a century. It allows the government to bar entry to individuals who are likely to seek public assistance. Trump is expected to propose toughening up the rules regarding “public charge” and ensuring that they are enforced.



  1. Absolutely! Every country needs to do like Australia.

  2. Never should have been allowed to start with!!!!

  3. 5 years? how about life.
    if they need welfare, send em home

  4. Tump should shut down all immigration for the time being. Everything. VISAs the whole lot. We can't handle or take care of people we have in this country right now. No more room for more crazies.

  5. 12:43 PM
    If he can't get the Travel Ban pass the Courts, I seriously doubt he would be able to shut down immigration.

  6. There, the President - THINKING about the use of OUR tax dollars!

    Yeah, I see you libs shaking your heads in a vertical rather than horizontal manner!

    If it makes sense DO IT!

  7. 1247 negative. If he did a full then the 9th's argument that its discriminatory goes out the window along with their judicial activism.

  8. Next the only Family members allowed to come in and become citizens are Father, Mother and Children 17 years old and younger with official government birth certificate. No Children 18 or over since they are considered adults, Grand parents, Uncles, Aunts and cousins.

  9. Moving the head repeatedly in the vertical to express agreement has its own name. It's called nodding.

    I agree with the President.

  10. Why not? Most civilized countries require proof that you can support yourself before they allow entry unless of course you are a refugee.


  11. 12:00....ditto!!

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 22, 2017 at 2:53 PM

    Absolutely Yes. Should of been done long time ago. I wonder how many Democ-rats will try to block this bill from passing.

  13. We already have such a law. What we lack is the will to enforce it.

  14. Most of our Government reps have to be absolutely
    "out of their minds!" How much more can America
    withstand??? Welfare supporting 3 to 6 or more
    children per recipient now drawing it , letting
    anything & everything into our Country when we
    can't support our Own with Jobs & Crimes and Drugs
    out of control!!!!
    Are these Representatives Blind??????

  15. how about the ghetto rats in Salisbury and Baltimore?


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