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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wasserman Schultz Threatens Capital Police With ‘Consequences’ Unless They Return Equipment

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) told the U.S. Capitol Police chief in a bizarre and contentious exchange that there would be "consequences" if he did not return equipment that belonged to a staffer.

"I'd like to know how Capitol Police handle equipment that belongs to a member or a staffer that's been lost within the Capitol complex and found or recovered by one of your officers," Wasserman Schultz said during a Thursday subcommittee hearing on the Capitol Police budget.

Chief Matthew R. Verderosa said the equipment would be processed, and that "generally" it would be returned once ownership was established. "If it's part of an ongoing case, then there are other things that have to occur for that to happen," he noted.

"I think you're violating the rules when you conduct your business that way," she said, "and should expect that there would be consequences."

A police source told the Daily Caller that the "equipment" alluded to was actually a laptop belonging to Wasserman Schultz, stolen by an employee and stashed in a House office building.

Politico reported in March that the staffer in question, Imran Awan, was one of five Democratic House staffers under investigation for "stealing equipment from members’ offices without their knowledge and committing serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network." Two weeks later, Fox News reported that Awan was still employed by Wasserman Schultz. Awan has since left the country for Pakistan.

[One might wonder what is on that laptop that would create such angst.. --Editor]


  1. It sounds like a threat based on her fear of being found out... again.

  2. 9:07 Right on the money! She is a dirt bag!!

  3. She ugly too. When they discover what is on the laptop she should be censored at least and prosecuted at best.

  4. "[One might wonder what is on that laptop that would create such angst.. --Editor]"
    Were you wondering this last evening also

    Wednesday, May 24, 2017 @ 6:30
    Wasserman Schultz Threatened Police Chief For Gathering Evidence On Her IT Staffer’s Alleged Crimes

    day old news? left hand doesn't know what right hand is doing? Alzheimer? bragging about how many stories I can copy and paste today?

    1. 9:30 - let us all know when you decide to do something better.

  5. 9:18

    The dumbocrats ARE the party of dirtbags

  6. Oh damn!! Don't tell me that she's going to go stare at the Chief until he returns the laptop. That will be one really short visit! That is a really homely beast, in my opinion, no amount of lipstick or Jeri Curl can make her look any better.


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