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Sunday, May 07, 2017

Viewers Write: Inconsiderate People In Salisbury


  1. The "privileged" are able to park anywhere and everywhere - regardless of OTHERS!!!


  2. They're morons....but they don't care.

  3. Don't think this contributor has traveled much across the U.S.! This is very typical at every rest area and quick convenience store across the Country. Go to any Walmart and see the exact same thing...sad some people just feel privileged!

    1. @11:32. The first picture was sent in by me. It wasn't at a gas station it was at the doctors office off Milford Street. It has nothing to do with privilege, so people are just jackasses much like yourself.

    2. Are u sure they weren't dropping off someone in wheelchair and just ran in to check them in idk maybe.

    3. @1:46. They weren't dropping anybody off. They work there and in front of the SUV was an empty space with a cone in it.

  4. That appears to be the gas station by Nutters. No doubt.

  5. No public entrance on that side on a Saturday mind your own business people. Joe it would really help yourself out to not post this meaningless crap

    1. Oh yeah, what car is yours in the pic 12:06?

    2. Some testy and mosey people concerned with a couple of employee parking spots on a Saturday when the place is closed.

  6. It's the me generation. What's best for me and forget the rest! A very self centered generation.

  7. I think they are just simply ignorant and don't know any better

  8. 12;06 you must be 1 of those a$$hats that park like that.

    1. 1206 here. Private business so it doesn't concern you anyhow we park

  9. We need a vigilante with a beater truck to just t-bone these ignorant people after they leave the vehicle.

    1. So helpful of you to suggest doing something illegal thst could hurt people for something as trivial as parking in a manner that displeases you. Talk about a violent bully thug. Keep taking that low road.

  10. Anonymous said...

    1206 here. Private business so it doesn't concern you anyhow we park

    May 1, 2017 at 3:24 PM

    Like I said: They're morons....but they don't care.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Don't think this contributor has traveled much across the U.S.! This is very typical at every rest area and quick convenience store across the Country. Go to any Walmart and see the exact same thing...sad some people just feel privileged!

    May 1, 2017 at 11:32 AM

    I've driven in every state of the union. And it happens in every state of the union, but that doesn't make it right or acceptable. One cannot change how others act only themselves. So excusing your bad actions and choices because everyone else does it? I guess you would jump off that proverbial bridge too since 'everyone else is doing it.

    YOU and the other drivers who have no consideration for other drivers are the ones that seem to think you are privileged and are to be given a pass since 'everyone does it'.

    No one can force you to be a better driver but we can highlight your bad decisions, with Joe's help on his blog. Enjoy.


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