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Sunday, May 07, 2017

Teenage Girl Gets Kicked Out of Prom Over Outfit Because Dads Couldn’t Stop Staring

Even homeschool teen girls want to have the experience of a prom. 17 yr-old Clare was hoping to have just that, but instead suffered a humiliating night all because of her dress.

Clare’s boyfriend had purchased tickets to the ‘homeschool prom’ in advance. This gave her some time for dress shopping and as she did, she made sure to comply with the homeschool association’s dress code. Their only 1 rule was that the girls dress be “finger length.”

But upon arriving at the prom, she was approached by a chaperone who said that her dress was too short. Upon demonstrating that her dress was finger length, she was allowed to proceed. Clare later laughed because she observed that on the ballroom floor, she was surrounded by girls with dresses much shorter than her own. She joined her group of friends and they all laughed that Clare had been singled out, commenting on how in years past they’ve all seen dresses even shorter with no one getting ‘a talking to’. Here is the entire dress… what do you think?



  1. then kick the dads out.

  2. If that was the outfit then that was nothing. You should see all the trashy outfits showing a LOT of flesh on these girls at the Wicomico County Public Schools proms and homecoming.

    If a grown man doesn't stare at that something is wrong with them. These girls are dressed to kill and they look like they are going to have a wild evening of sex afterwards.

    The thing that I can't understand is why there is a dress code at the Wicomico County Public Schools while class is in session but any event afterwards its fair game. They look like sluts at honors awards ceremonies.

  3. And this is what the country has come to, perverts who can get others kicked out versus the perverts themselves having to leave... Sounds Islamic to me... I can look and and do what I want and as a woman you can't, and if you were to be gang rapped or raped in general, you need 5 MALE witnesses to prove it happened...

  4. Yes it complies with the fingertip rule but it is skin tight. If I were the administration if would have let it go but made stricter rules for next year. As a women I know that dressing like this will attract the attention of men. Women who wear tight and or revealing clothing know this!

  5. Don't worry 'bout the dress at the Prom, dads. Worry about AFTER the Prom!
    Did you forget YOUR high school experiences? "Nothing comes off faster than a Prom dress at midnight."
    A proven fact.

  6. A little research shows she was kicked out for exposing her under garments and grinding on her prom date.

  7. She was kicked out of Prom in 2014

  8. They leave nothing to the imagination. If they did not want leers and ogling why wear the dress in the first place? What is the goal/end game?

  9. 2:22....yeah yep yep yepyepyepyep.

  10. Seems to me that it was most teenage boys dreams to take a hot looking girl to the prom. nothing has changed. we are in a world that glorifies "Bruce" Jenner and this is what we are worried about. as k any guy what a GLM is?

  11. I wouldn't waste time or money throwing a "prom" for kids -- or adults -- who have to be monitored to that extent.
    Just as I wouldn't go to the trouble of fixing a nice meal for someone who I had to tell to close his mouth while chewing or not eat with his fingers.

  12. There's nothing constructive ever to come out of proms (except accidental pregnancies, maybe). They should be abolished.

  13. 3:24 did you go to your prom???

  14. My daughter graduated five years ago from SDHS. She said the prom theme song should've been "Havin' My Baby"

  15. It was her not wearing any underwear that caused the uproar. She didn't want panty lines, so she went "Commando", and the dads could see that.

  16. How can those male chaperones go to the beach with women and teenage females wearing bikinis without "being aroused"? They have no business being there if a teenager in dress excites them to the point that need her to leave.


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